paulrouget / dzslides

DZSlides is a one-file HTML template to build slides in HTML5 and CSS3.
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Markdow or textile support #46

Closed hsablonniere closed 12 years ago

hsablonniere commented 13 years ago

I found this gist and it reminded me that HTML has been slowing down my productivity when I write some DZslide presentation.

So what about Markdown support and or Textile?

Maybe it's author responsability to do that, maybe not...

paulrouget commented 12 years ago

This adds a LOT of code to the code base (and it is supposed to stay simple), or adds a dependency (won't work offline).

I would love to have a markdow-like syntax support, but I don't think it's possible to do that in less than 20 lines of code.

hsablonniere commented 12 years ago

I think I agree with you. But I still think it could be useful. Maybe it could be done on server side.

Anyway, it doesn't have a place in the core...

stephenhay commented 12 years ago

I believe both pandoc and lunamark produce either dzslides-compatible markup or a complete dzslides slideshow. I know that lunamark also allows generating a dzslides doc based on one's own customized template.

Say you want to simply use the default dzslides template. You write your whole presentation in markdown (foo.markdown) and then do:

pandoc -w dzslides --standalone foo.markdown > foo.html

for pandoc. For lunamark(-standalone), you'd do:

lunamark -t dzslides --standalone -o foo.html foo.markdown

If you had your own modified dzslides template, you could use that with lunamark:

lunamark -t dzslides --template myslides -o foo.html foo.markdown

with myslides.html being your template in the working directory.

This works quite well, and with a decent template, it only takes a second to generate the slides.