paunin / PostDock

PostDock - Postgres & Docker - Postgres streaming replication cluster for any docker environment
MIT License
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Can't build correct *.Dockerfile from dockerfile templates (near empty *.Dockerfile) #265

Open ergoz opened 4 years ago

ergoz commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone. I cloned this repo and run ./make/ from project root dir in master branch and script rewrited content of all ./src/<component_name_here>.Dockerfile to this:

##                         AUTO-GENERATED FILE                          ##


What i doing wrong? May be i missed something? How to get same result in files as in this repo?

I tries to do it on Windows with mingw and msys2 installed and in WSL with Ubuntu.

And sorry for bad English :)

paunin commented 4 years ago

What's the expectation VS result? Which command you ran? I recommend to use *nix like system (I use MacOS)