pawREP / ZHM5Randomizer

Smart Item Randomizer for Hitman 3 (2021)
MIT License
45 stars 16 forks source link

Add IgnoreList.json to repo, and add many more items to it. #36

Closed warriorstar-orion closed 7 months ago

warriorstar-orion commented 3 years ago


I did a bunch of testing for item randomization in the world, and managed to add about ~40 more IDs to the list of items that should be globally ignored. These include, as the second commit message says:

  1. "Archmesh" items, which are untextured developer props, as well as untextured developer weapons.
  2. Items which cannot be picked up (NPC drinking bottles, fugu poison prop (not the same as the poison acquired from cutting the fish)).
  3. Items which could softlock the game ("magic watch").
  4. Items which had no effect (most crates (the Styrofoam crate is not on the list, as it still can be used to take the player out of bounds), emetic chewing gum (sedative chewing gum does work, however)).

This greatly improves the results of world randomization, as there are less useless items, and less untextured, out-of-place items.

I kept the commits separate to it's easy to see, from the second commit, what I added.
