paypal / Gibberish-Detector-Java

A small program to detect gibberish using a Markov Chain
MIT License
26 stars 20 forks source link


Based on Python gibberish detector written by Rob Renaud. Ported into Java by Shir Fiszman.

You can find the original here:

This gibberish detector is not limmited to a certain language, and can be trained on files by the user's choice.

How to use this library?

Use GibberishDetectorFactory in order to create a new instance of the gibberish detector. You should supply it the following inputs:

If you wish to select your own heuristic for setting the thrshold to classify sentences, you can override the method 'getThreshold' and implement it yourself. The factory can create instances of detectors that extend GibberishDetector.


java files:

text files:



Gibberish-Detector-Java is available under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt.