pbaity / rocketchat-dark-mode

An easy user-togglable dark mode for Rocket.Chat
MIT License
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Dark mode doesn't work #211

Closed GFNiko closed 1 year ago

GFNiko commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug I hosted rocket.chat in my own docker environment and I copy pasted your code in the respective fields in the layout (custom csss and Custom Script for Logged In Users) Reloaded the page afterwards with ctrl+shift+r, logged out and back in, but nothing changed. Installed the desktop app and it looks the same as the website. And there is also no extra button in the upper area beside the username.

Expected behavior Dark mode in all important areas

Screenshots image image image

Desktop (please complete the following information):

pbaity commented 1 year ago

@GFNiko the dark mode toggle button is added to the menu at the top of the side nav on the left. Can you check there? (It's the sun icon)


GFNiko commented 1 year ago

No it's not there image

pbaity commented 1 year ago

@GFNiko What version of Rocket.Chat are you running? If you can give me the steps you followed to set it up I'll try to recreate.

It may be an issue in a new version of Rocket.Chat. I suspect maybe the class names we use to select the side nav for adding the toggle button have changed.

GFNiko commented 1 year ago

It's version 5.4.0. I guess it is this because I cannot see a 5.4 version from the dark mode. My steps as I wrote in the OP are as follows:

I copy pasted your code in the respective fields in the layout (custom csss and Custom Script for Logged In Users). Reloaded the page afterwards with ctrl+shift+r, logged out and back in, but nothing changed. Installed the desktop app and it looks the same as the website. And there is also no extra button in the upper area beside the username.

If you want to know more, I am afraid, you have to ask for explicit details since I am not familiar with this. But I understand HTML and CSS (Javascript not so much unfortunately) if this would be needed

pbaity commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I meant to ask for the steps you followed to deploy your Rocket.Chat instance with Docker. I don't need too much detail because the deployment method shouldn't effect whether dark mode works. The Rocket.Chat version is what matters.

Just to confirm though, did you follow Rocket.Chat's docs for deploying with docker-compose?

GFNiko commented 1 year ago

Mostly, minor changes. Here is my docker-compose file:

version: '3.4'

    image: rocket.chat:5
    restart: on-failure
      - ./uploads:/app/uploads
      - PORT=3030
      - ROOT_URL=http://localhost:3000
      - MONGO_URL=mongodb://rocketchat-db:27017/rocketchat?replicaSet=rs0&directConnection=true
      - MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://rocketchat-db:27017/local?replicaSet=rs0&directConnection=true
      - DEPLOY_METHOD=docker
      - mongo
      - internal
      - 3030:3030

    image: mongo:4.4
    container_name: rocketchat-db
    restart: on-failure
     - ./data/db:/data/db
     - ./data/dump:/dump
    command: mongod --dbpath /data/db --oplogSize 128 --replSet rs0 --storageEngine wiredTiger
      - internal

    image: mongo:4.4
    command: 'bash -c "for i in `seq 1 30`; do mongo rocketchat-db/rocketchat --eval \"rs.initiate({ _id: ''rs0'', members: [ { _id: 0, host: ''localhost:27017'' } ]})\" && s=$$? && break || s=$$?; echo \"Tried $$i t imes. Waiting 5 secs...\"; sleep 5; done; (exit $$s)"'
      - mongo
      - internal

        name: internal
        external: false
pbaity commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I'll use your docker-compose file just to be sure I'm replicating what you did. Though like I said, I think the version will be all that matters. Sorry for all the noise about a trivial point :sweat_smile:

GFNiko commented 1 year ago

No problem, I'm glad you're taking the time to help me out :)

pbaity commented 1 year ago

Happy to help. I'm afraid I often don't get the free time to help hands-on but I do my best!

I just spun up a fresh Ubuntu VM and installed with docker (it defaulted to version 5.4.2) and it looks like dark mode is working for me:


I'll try again and specify 5.4.0, but I'd be surprised if it didn't work. I know you already have, but you might want to double-check your steps to install dark mode. Everything looks like it's in the right field in your screenshot. Did you copy in the whole raw files (or did they accidentally get truncated)? Did you remember to hit save?

pbaity commented 1 year ago

Just to confirm - I tried again with 5.4.0 (I forgot to use your docker-compose.yml earlier, so I used it this time and it used 5.4.0) and dark mode still works for me, same as above.

This makes me think there was maybe a copy-paste error? Try again, copying the raw contents of dark-mode.css and dark-mode-toggle.js. If even the last single line of the JS file was truncated, it won't work (because that last line calls the function to add the toggle button).

cykomiko commented 1 year ago

@pbaity can You check 5.4.1 please? it doesn't look good

pbaity commented 1 year ago

@cykomiko Did you install 5.4.1 with Docker? I don't see an image tag for 5.4.1 on DockerHub.

Also, I tested 5.4.0 and 5.4.2 and they looked fine - what in the world happened in 5.4.1!?

cykomiko commented 1 year ago

Did you install 5.4.1 with Docker?

No, it's manual installation. If You can't check I'll try to upgrade to 5.4.2 next week. Thanks!

pbaity commented 1 year ago

@cykomiko Yeah, you'll probably be able to upgrade before I get the time to do a manual installation. If upgrading to 5.4.2 doesn't solve your problem, let me know.

GFNiko commented 1 year ago

Did you copy in the whole raw files (or did they accidentally get truncated)? Did you remember to hit save?

Yes, raw copy per ctrl a, ctrl c, ctrl v. I did try it again and it works now. I feel like really dumb now. Sorry for bothering you. I did try that in fact 3 times before I wrote a ticket. Thank you for your help

pbaity commented 1 year ago

@GFNiko Haha no worries! It's easy for the "install" process to go wrong, since we have to rely on copy-pasting in custom CSS and JavaScript. Enjoy dark mode!