pbek / QOwnNotes

QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
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[I] Import from Evernote Not Importing Links in Some Cases #2242

Closed netguerrilla12 closed 2 years ago

netguerrilla12 commented 2 years ago

Expected behaviour

Import from Evernote should import links as clickable links.

Actual behaviour

Import from Evernote isn't importing links.

Steps to reproduce

  1. See screen shot QON 1.JPG (which I'll attach) which shows the clickable link in Evernote.
  2. In QON, import the ENEX file (which I'll attach).
  3. Note that the text got imported but not the clickable link.
  4. See screen shot QON 2.JPG (which I'll attach). This shows the note in QON where the text appears but not the clickable link.

Relevant log output in the Log panel

Expand ``` [15:46:28] [debug] handleNoteTextFileName - 'name' was changed: "Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access" [15:46:28] [debug] storing note file: "Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access.md" [15:46:33] [debug] buildNotesIndex - 'noteSubFolderId': 0 [15:46:38] [debug] setupNoteFolderTables - 'database version': 14 [15:46:40] [debug] cloudConnection: CloudConnection: 1 "Default" "" "" 1 [15:46:41] [debug] loadNoteDirectoryList [15:46:46] [debug] reloadTagTree [15:46:46] [debug] reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:46:57] [debug] filterNotesByTag - 'tags': QVector() [15:46:57] [debug] filterNotesByTag - 'noteIdList': QVector(1) [15:47:15] [debug] on_noteTreeWidget_itemSelectionChanged [15:47:15] [debug] setCurrentNote - 'note': Note: 1 "Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access" "Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access.md" 0 "" false - 'updateNoteText': true - 'updateSelectedNote': false [15:47:15] [debug] added to history: NoteHistoryItem: "Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access" "" 0 0 [15:54:02] [debug] doTrashing - 'destinationFileName': "C:/Users/SV1/Sync/QOwnNotes\\trash\\2626" [15:54:02] [debug] removeNoteFile - 'trashResult': true [15:54:02] [debug] removeNoteFile - 'this->fileName': "Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access.md" [15:54:02] [debug] removeNoteFile - 'file': "C:/Users/SV1/Sync/QOwnNotes/Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access.md" [15:54:03] [debug] Removed note "Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access" [15:54:03] [debug] loadNoteDirectoryList [15:54:09] [debug] reloadTagTree [15:54:09] [debug] reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:54:13] [debug] filterNotesByTag - 'tags': QVector() [15:54:13] [debug] filterNotesByTag - 'noteIdList': QVector() [15:54:13] [debug] filterNotesByTag - 'tags': QVector() [15:54:13] [debug] filterNotesByTag - 'noteIdList': QVector() [15:54:13] [debug] notesWereModified: "C:/Users/SV1/Sync/QOwnNotes/Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access.md" [15:54:13] [debug] Current note was removed externally! [15:54:13] [debug] storing note file: "" [15:54:13] [critical] "Could not store note file: C:/Users/SV1/Sync/QOwnNotes - Error message: Access is denied." [15:54:13] [status] Current note could not be stored to disk [15:54:13] [debug] buildNotesIndex - 'noteSubFolderId': 0 [15:54:16] [debug] setupNoteFolderTables - 'database version': 14 [15:54:19] [debug] cloudConnection: CloudConnection: 1 "Default" "" "" 1 [15:54:19] [debug] setCurrentNote - 'note': Note: 0 "" "" 0 "" false - 'updateNoteText': false - 'updateSelectedNote': true [15:54:19] [warning] QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '167' out of range [15:59:24] [debug] Removed tag "RPSM - 4 High Value Trainings" [15:59:25] [debug] reloadTagTree [15:59:25] [debug] reloadTagTree - 'noteSubFolderIds': QVector(0) [15:59:29] [debug] notesDirectoryWasModified: "C:/Users/SV1/Sync/QOwnNotes" [15:59:29] [status] Notes directory was modified externally [15:59:29] [debug] buildNotesIndex - 'noteSubFolderId': 0 [15:59:33] [debug] setupNoteFolderTables - 'database version': 14 [15:59:36] [debug] cloudConnection: CloudConnection: 1 "Default" "" "" 1 [15:59:36] [debug] updateNoteText: true [15:59:36] [debug] setCurrentNote - 'note': Note: 0 "" "" 0 "" false - 'updateNoteText': true - 'updateSelectedNote': true [15:59:36] [warning] QTextCursor::setPosition: Position '167' out of range [16:02:36] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:02:36] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:02:36] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:02:36] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:02:36] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:02:36] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:02:36] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:02:36] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:03:12] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:03:12] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:03:12] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:03:12] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:03:12] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:03:12] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:03:12] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' [16:03:12] [debug] updatePanelMenu - 'updatePanelMenu' ```

Information about the application, settings and environment

Expand QOwnNotes Debug Information =========================== ## General Info **Current Date**: `Fri Sep 24 16:08:54 2021` **Version**: `21.9.11` **Build date**: `Sep 24 2021` **Build number**: `888` **Platform**: `windows` **Operating System**: `Windows 10 Version 2009` **Build architecture**: `x86_64` **Current architecture**: `x86_64` **Release**: `GitHub Actions` **Qt Version (build)**: `5.15.2` **Qt Version (runtime)**: `5.15.2` **Portable mode**: `no` **Settings path / key**: `\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PBE\QOwnNotes` **Application database path**: `C:\Users\SV1\AppData\Roaming\PBE\QOwnNotes\QOwnNotes.sqlite` **Application arguments**: `C:\QOwnNotes\QOwnNotes.exe` **Qt Debug**: `0` **Locale (system)**: `en_US` **Locale (interface)**: *empty* **Primary screen resolution**: `1360x768` **Icon theme**: `breeze-qownnotes` **Notes in current note folder**: `3831` **Calendar items**: `0` **Enabled scripts**: `0` ## Server Info **serverUrl**: *empty* **appIsValid**: `no` **notesPathExists**: *empty* **connectionErrorMessage**: *empty* ## Spellchecking **Enabled**: `false` **Selected language**: *empty* **Language codes**: *empty* **Language names**: *empty* **Application dictionaries path**: `C:\Users\SV1\AppData\Roaming\PBE\QOwnNotes\dicts` ## Note folders **currentNoteFolderId**: `1` ### Note folder `default` **id**: `1` **isCurrent**: `yes` **activeTagId**: `-1` **localPath**: `C:\Users\SV1\Sync\QOwnNotes` **remotePath**: `Notes` **cloudConnectionId**: `1` **isShowSubfolders**: `no` **isUseGit**: `no` **activeNoteSubFolder name**: *empty* **database file**: `C:\Users\SV1\Sync\QOwnNotes\notes.sqlite` ## Cloud connections ### Cloud connection `Default` **id**: `1` **isCurrent**: `yes` **serverUrl**: *empty* **username**: *empty* ## Enabled scripts ## Settings **AboutDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **ActiveNoteHistoryItem** (NoteHistoryItem): `` **Debug/fakeOldVersionNumber** (QString): `false` **Debug/fileLogging** (QString): `false` **Editor/CurrentSchemaKey** (QString): `EditorColorSchema-6033d61b-cb96-46d5-a3a8-20d5172017eb` **Editor/autoBracketClosing** (QString): `true` **Editor/autoBracketRemoval** (QString): `true` **Editor/disableCursorBlinking** (QString): `false` **Editor/editorWidthInDFMOnly** (QString): `true` **Editor/highlightCurrentLine** (QString): `true` **Editor/indentSize** (int): `4` **Editor/removeTrailingSpaces** (QString): `false` **Editor/showLineNumbers** (QString): `false` **Editor/useTabIndent** (QString): `false` **Editor/vimMode** (QString): `false` **EvernoteImport/AttachmentImportCheckBoxChecked** (QString): `true` **EvernoteImport/ImageImportCheckBoxChecked** (QString): `true` **EvernoteImport/MetaDataUnCheckedList** (QStringList): `, created, updated, , note-attributes/subject-date, note-attributes/latitude, note-attributes/longitude, note-attributes/altitude, note-attributes/author, note-attributes/source, note-attributes/source-application, note-attributes/application-data` **EvernoteImportDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **FileDialog/LastPath** (QString): `C:/Users/SV1/Downloads/Evernote` **FileDialog/LastPath-Evernote Import** (QString): `C:/Users/SV1/Downloads/Evernote` **FileDialog/LastPath-ImportTextFiles** (QString): `C:/QOwnNotes/Notes/Test` **FileDialog/LastPath-Joplin Import** (QString): `C:/Users/SV1/Downloads/Joplin` **FileDialog/LastPath-NoteMarkdownExport** (QString): `C:/Users/SV1/Downloads/Joplin` **IssueAssistantDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **JoplinImport/AttachmentImportCheckBoxChecked** (QString): `true` **JoplinImport/FolderImportCheckBoxChecked** (QString): `false` **JoplinImport/ImageImportCheckBoxChecked** (QString): `true` **JoplinImport/MetadataImportCheckBoxChecked** (QString): `false` **JoplinImport/TagImportCheckBoxChecked** (QString): `true` **JoplinImportDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **LastUpdateCheck** (QDateTime): `2021-09-24T15:12:13.568` **LogWidget/criticalLog** (QString): `true` **LogWidget/debugLog** (QString): `true` **LogWidget/fatalLog** (QString): `true` **LogWidget/infoLog** (QString): `true` **LogWidget/scriptingLog** (QString): `true` **LogWidget/statusLog** (QString): `true` **LogWidget/warningLog** (QString): `true` **MainWindow/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **MainWindow/mainToolBar.iconSize** (int): `24` **MainWindow/menuBarGeometry** (QByteArray): `` **MainWindow/noteTextEdit.code.font** (QString): `Courier New,9,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0` **MainWindow/noteTextEdit.font** (QString): `Calibri,12,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0,Regular` **MainWindow/noteTextView.code.font** (QString): `Courier New,9,-1,2,50,0,0,0,0,0` **MainWindow/noteTextView.font** (QString): `MS Shell Dlg 2,8.25,-1,5,50,0,0,0,0,0` **MainWindow/noteTextView.ignoreCodeFontSize** (QString): `true` **MainWindow/noteTextView.rtl** (QString): `false` **MainWindow/noteTextView.underline** (QString): `true` **MainWindow/noteTextView.useEditorStyles** (QString): `true` **MainWindow/noteTextView.useInternalExportStyling** (QString): `true` **MainWindow/tagTreeWidgetExpandState-1** (QStringList): `9` **MessageBoxOverride/restore-note** (int): `16384` **NoteDiffDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **NoteFolder-1/NoteTabNameList** (QStringList): *empty* **NoteFolder-1/NoteTabStickinessList** (QStringList): *empty* **NoteFolder-1/NoteTabSubFolderPathDataList** (QStringList): *empty* **NoteFolder-1/allowDifferentNoteFileName** (QString): `true` **NoteHistory-1** (QVariantList): `` **NoteHistoryCurrentIndex-1** (int): `199` **PiwikClientId** (QString): `` **Printer/NotePrinting** (QByteArray): `` **ScriptRepositoryDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **ScriptRepositoryDialog/mainSplitterState** (QByteArray): `` **SearchEngineId** (int): `2` **SettingsDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **SettingsDialog/mainSplitterState** (QByteArray): `` **ShowSystemTray** (QString): `false` **StartHidden** (QString): `false` **TagAddDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **UpdateDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **WelcomeDialog/geometry** (QByteArray): `` **acceptAllExternalModifications** (QString): `false` **allowNoteEditing** (QString): `true` **allowOnlyOneAppInstance** (QString): `true` **appMetrics/disableAppHeartbeat** (QString): `false` **appMetrics/disableTracking** (QString): `false` **appMetrics/notificationShown** (QString): `true` **automaticNoteFolderDatabaseClosing** (QString): `false` **checkSpelling** (QString): `false` **closeTodoListAfterSave** (QString): `false` **cryptoKey** (qlonglong): `` **currentNoteFolderId** (int): `1` **currentWorkspace** (QString): `wVw9Ynnw2u52` **cursorWidth** (int): `1` **customNoteFileExtensionList** (QStringList): `md, txt` **darkMode** (QString): `false` **darkModeColors** (QString): `false` **darkModeIconTheme** (QString): `false` **darkModeTrayIcon** (QString): `false` **defaultNoteFileExtension** (QString): `md` **demoNotesCreated** (QString): `true` **disableAutomaticUpdateDialog** (QString): `true` **disableSavedSearchesAutoCompletion** (QString): `false` **dockWasInitializedOnce** (QString): `true` **enableNoteTree** (QString): `false` **enableSocketServer** (QString): `true` **enableWebAppSupport** (QString): `false` **externalEditorPath** (QString): *empty* **fullyHighlightedBlockquotes** (QString): `false` **gitCommitInterval** (int): `30` **gitExecutablePath** (QString): *empty* **gitLogCommand** (QString): *empty* **guiFirstRunInit** (QString): `true` **ignoreAllExternalModifications** (QString): `true` **ignoreAllExternalNoteFolderChanges** (QString): `false` **ignoreNoteSubFolders** (QString): `^\.` **imageScaleDown** (QString): `false` **imageScaleDownMaximumHeight** (int): `1024` **imageScaleDownMaximumWidth** (int): `1024` **initialLayoutIdentifier** (QString): `full` **insertTimeFormat** (QString): *empty* **interfaceFontSize** (int): `11` **interfaceLanguage** (QString): *empty* **internalIconTheme** (QString): `false` **itemHeight** (int): `15` **legacyLinking** (QString): `false` **localTrash/autoCleanupDays** (int): `30` **localTrash/autoCleanupEnabled** (QString): `true` **localTrash/supportEnabled** (QString): `true` **markdownHighlightingEnabled** (QString): `true` **navigationPanelHideSearch** (QString): `false` **networking/ignoreSSLErrors** (QString): `true` **networking/proxyType** (int): `2` **newNoteAskHeadline** (QString): `false` **noteEditIsCentralWidget** (QString): `true` **noteListPreview** (QString): `false` **noteSaveIntervalTime** (int): `10` **noteSubfoldersPanelDisplayAsFullTree** (QString): `true` **noteSubfoldersPanelHideSearch** (QString): `false` **noteSubfoldersPanelOrder** (int): `0` **noteSubfoldersPanelShowFullPath** (QString): `false` **noteSubfoldersPanelShowNotesRecursively** (QString): `false` **noteSubfoldersPanelShowRootFolderName** (QString): `true` **noteSubfoldersPanelSort** (int): `0` **notesPanelOrder** (int): `0` **notesPanelSort** (int): `1` **notesPath** (QString): `C:/Users/SV1/Sync/QOwnNotes` **notifyAllExternalModifications** (QString): `false` **overrideInterfaceFontSize** (QString): `false` **ownCloud/supportEnabled** (QString): `false` **ownCloud/todoCalendarBackend** (int): `3` **ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVPassword** (QString): `` **ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVServerUrl** (QString): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarCalDAVUsername** (QString): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarCloudConnectionId** (int): `1` **ownCloud/todoCalendarDisplayNameList** (QStringList): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledList** (QStringList): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarEnabledUrlList** (QStringList): *empty* **ownCloud/todoCalendarUrlList** (QStringList): *empty* **recentNoteFolders** (QStringList): `C:/Users/SV1/Sync, C:/QOwnNotes/Test, C:/QOwnNotes/Notes` **restoreCursorPosition** (QString): `true` **restoreLastNoteAtStartup** (QString): `true` **restoreNoteTabs** (QString): `true` **savedSearches/noteFolder-1** (QStringList): `[I] Untagged Notes Count is Double What it Should be After Adding a New Note · Issue #2241 · pbek QOwnNotes, Note 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Life Insurance Company Ratings and Why They Matter Right Now Podcast - YouTube, Infinite Banking For Business Owners - YouTube, lose 100 lbs - Google Search, Is Losing 100 Lbs. in a Year Healthy and Realistic – Fat, Broke and Stupid, Home - Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit, QOwnNotes Web Companion browser extension QOwnNotes 2021-08-22T18.12.55, QOwnNotes Web Companion browser extension QOwnNotes, Note 2021-08-22T08.28.50, Note 2021-08-22T08.24.54, Note 2021-08-06T16.06.14, Note 2021-08-06T16.05.39, Unbenannt, Images and Attachments, WordPress Installation Check List, Note 2021-08-05T09.20.41, David Busch's Canon EOS Rebel T61300D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D, Amazon, Test Notiz, Fwd We just shipped your order!, Fwd Re Re ABEBOOKS Order 137361858, Fwd Re ABEBOOKS Order 137361858, Fwd AbeBooks Sales Order No, 000df3247ebc4551a9ad2b7233ad07a0` **showMatches** (QString): `true` **showMenuBar** (QString): `true` **showStatusBar** (QString): `true` **systemIconTheme** (QString): `false` **tagWasAddedToNote** (QString): `true` **taggingShowNotesRecursively** (QString): `false` **tagsPanelHideNoteCount** (QString): `false` **tagsPanelHideSearch** (QString): `false` **tagsPanelOrder** (int): `0` **tagsPanelSort** (int): `0` **todoCalendarSupport** (QString): `false` **toolbar/1/items** (QStringList): `action_New_note, action_Find_note, action_Remove_note, action_Open_note_in_external_editor, actionShow_local_trash, actionAllow_note_editing, , action_Back_in_note_history, action_Forward_in_note_history, , action_Find_text_in_note, actionReplace_in_current_note, , actionShow_versions, actionShow_trash, actionShare_note, , actionShow_Todo_List` **toolbar/1/name** (QString): `mainToolBar` **toolbar/1/title** (QString): `main toolbar` **toolbar/2/items** (QStringList): `actionFormat_text_bold, actionFormat_text_italic, actionStrike_out_text, actionInsert_code_block, actionInsert_block_quote` **toolbar/2/name** (QString): `formattingToolbar` **toolbar/2/title** (QString): `formatting toolbar` **toolbar/3/items** (QStringList): `actionInsert_text_link, actionInsert_image, actionInsert_current_time` **toolbar/3/name** (QString): `insertingToolbar` **toolbar/3/title** (QString): `inserting toolbar` **toolbar/4/items** (QStringList): `action_Encrypt_note, actionEdit_encrypted_note, actionDecrypt_note` **toolbar/4/name** (QString): `encryptionToolbar` **toolbar/4/title** (QString): `encryption toolbar` **toolbar/5/items** (QStringList): `actionWorkspaceComboBox, actionStore_as_new_workspace, actionRemove_current_workspace, actionRename_current_workspace, actionSwitch_to_previous_workspace, actionUnlock_panels, , actionToggle_distraction_free_mode, action_Increase_note_text_size, action_Decrease_note_text_size, action_Reset_note_text_size` **toolbar/5/name** (QString): `windowToolbar` **toolbar/5/title** (QString): `window toolbar` **toolbar/6/items** (QStringList): `action_Quit` **toolbar/6/name** (QString): `quitToolbar` **toolbar/6/title** (QString): `quit toolbar` **toolbar/size** (int): `6` **useNoteFolderButtons** (QString): `false` **useUNIXNewline** (QString): `false` **webAppClientService/serverUrl** (QString): `wss://app.qownnotes.org` **webAppClientService/token** (QString): `` **webSocketServerService/bookmarksNoteName** (QString): `Bookmarks` **webSocketServerService/bookmarksTag** (QString): `bookmarks` **webSocketServerService/port** (int): `22222` **webSocketServerService/token** (QString): `` **workspace-HMuPGGhgMHn2/name** (QString): `Preview only` **workspace-HMuPGGhgMHn2/noteSubFolderDockWidgetVisible** (QString): `true` **workspace-HMuPGGhgMHn2/windowState** (QByteArray): `` **workspace-dYqYLZMC3Y5K/name** (QString): `Minimal` **workspace-dYqYLZMC3Y5K/noteSubFolderDockWidgetVisible** (QString): `true` **workspace-dYqYLZMC3Y5K/windowState** (QByteArray): `` **workspace-initial/name** (QString): `Full` **workspace-initial/noteSubFolderDockWidgetVisible** (QString): `true` **workspace-initial/windowState** (QByteArray): `` **workspace-npsLxBsgeNDz/name** (QString): `Full` **workspace-npsLxBsgeNDz/noteSubFolderDockWidgetVisible** (QString): `true` **workspace-npsLxBsgeNDz/windowState** (QByteArray): `` **workspace-wVw9Ynnw2u52/name** (QString): `Full` **workspace-wVw9Ynnw2u52/noteSubFolderDockWidgetVisible** (QString): `true` **workspace-wVw9Ynnw2u52/windowState** (QByteArray): `` **workspaces** (QStringList): `initial, dYqYLZMC3Y5K, npsLxBsgeNDz, HMuPGGhgMHn2, wVw9Ynnw2u52` ## System environment **ALLUSERSPROFILE**: `C:\ProgramData` **APPDATA**: `C:\Users\SV1\AppData\Roaming` **CommonProgramFiles**: `C:\Program Files\Common Files` **CommonProgramFiles(x86)**: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files` **CommonProgramW6432**: `C:\Program Files\Common Files` **COMPUTERNAME**: `SV1` **ComSpec**: `C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe` **DriverData**: `C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData` **GOOGLE_API_KEY**: `no` **GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID**: `no` **GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_SECRET**: `no` **HOMEDRIVE**: `C:` **HOMEPATH**: `\Users\SV1` **LOCALAPPDATA**: `C:\Users\SV1\AppData\Local` **LOGONSERVER**: `\\SV1` **NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS**: `4` **OneDrive**: `C:\Users\SV1\OneDrive` **OneDriveConsumer**: `C:\Users\SV1\OneDrive` **OS**: `Windows_NT` **Path**: `C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Users\SV1\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;` **PATHEXT**: `.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC` **PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE**: `AMD64` **PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER**: `Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel` **PROCESSOR_LEVEL**: `6` **PROCESSOR_REVISION**: `3c03` **ProgramData**: `C:\ProgramData` **ProgramFiles**: `C:\Program Files` **ProgramFiles(x86)**: `C:\Program Files (x86)` **ProgramW6432**: `C:\Program Files` **PSModulePath**: `C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\` **PUBLIC**: `C:\Users\Public` **SESSIONNAME**: `Console` **SystemDrive**: `C:` **SystemRoot**: `C:\WINDOWS` **TEMP**: `C:\Users\SV1\AppData\Local\Temp` **TMP**: `C:\Users\SV1\AppData\Local\Temp` **USERDOMAIN**: `SV1` **USERDOMAIN_ROAMINGPROFILE**: `SV1` **USERNAME**: `SV1` **USERPROFILE**: `C:\Users\SV1` **windir**: `C:\WINDOWS`
netguerrilla12 commented 2 years ago

Here are the screen shots and the ENEX file. I had to zip the ENEX file because GitHub wouldn't let me upload it. QON 1 QON 2 Fwd Your 4 HIgh Value Trainings Access.zip .

pbek commented 2 years ago

This is the part of your enex file I think you are talking about:

        Your &quot;4 High Value Trainings&quot; Access:

No hyperlink present...

pbek commented 2 years ago

Ah sorry... It's the text below...

        <a shape="rect" href="https://seanmize.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/24286/45b5a4e4c9f46ab6/13909690/64482e72b8e684a3" target="_blank">4 High Value Trainings Access</a>
pbek commented 2 years ago

Harder than expected to make that possible, because of the weird xml Evernote is using. If I allow those links not to be squashed down to text other imports have regressions... 😬

netguerrilla12 commented 2 years ago

I opened another ENEX file to take a closer look at the XML. I see what you mean about the weird XML. (I attached a screen shot.) It would be unfortunate if you can't find a way to fix this. I still have 2K+ notes in Evernote to import into QON. That would mean I'd have to add all of those links manually. Obviously, that will be quite time consuming. I'm attempting to get everything moved from Joplin and Evernote into QON because I like it better than both. QON 3

netguerrilla12 commented 2 years ago

I was going to write this long post about why I was importing from both EN and Joplin. I decided to skip all of that. I'm hoping you can find a way to fix this but if you can't, I've found a work around that I think will work. I just exported the EN note that I used in the example. Then I imported it into Joplin. That worked fine and the link appears as it should in Joplin.

Then I exported that Joplin note and imported it into QON. That worked fine. The link appears as a hyperlink and works like it should. So, although having to perform the additional steps to import first into Joplin, then export from Joplin, then import into QON, isn't an ideal scenario I think I can make it work. It will be better than having to add all of those links manually.

pbek commented 2 years ago

It's not about your enex with the link. It's about the other import it breaks if I make importing that links possible, because of the exec files that are double html encoded. When I double decode them your links are gone, if I don't double decode them e.g. Russian enex files break. I first need to write a lot of tests to make sure I don't break old imports... That takes time.

netguerrilla12 commented 2 years ago

Interesting. I had no idea international translations were so involved. Like I said, I've found a work around which seems to work fairly well. I've imported several hundred notes today using that method so take your time and do what you have to do. Or don't worry about it all. I'll leave it up you.

pbek commented 2 years ago

And the Evernote importer is very hard to test because of the strong ties to notes that are actually stored. I'd need to rewrite many parts.

pbek commented 2 years ago

Took a while...


pbek commented 2 years ago

There now is a new release, could you please test it and report if it works for you?

netguerrilla12 commented 2 years ago

This is now fixed. Thanks.

pbek commented 2 years ago

Great, thank you for testing!