When including an additional unit test to the package that checks for artifacts md5hash, the unit test fails.
Given an artifact, and a path pointing at where to create the archive
When I initialize the archive (deleting any former archive and creating a new one)
AND I use saveToLocalRepo to store in archive
AND I store the md5 hash key given by saveToLocalRepo
Then the md5 hash key should be identical to digest::digest(, "md5")
The following script tests the above.
It works well when running the code line-by-line, but fails when it's included as part of the test suit (under ~/tests/testthat).
When including an additional unit test to the package that checks for artifacts md5hash, the unit test fails.
Given an artifact, and a path pointing at where to create the archive
When I initialize the archive (deleting any former archive and creating a new one) in archive
AND I use saveToLocalRepo to store
AND I store the md5 hash key given by saveToLocalRepo
Then the md5 hash key should be identical to digest::digest(, "md5")
The following script tests the above.
It works well when running the code line-by-line, but fails when it's included as part of the test suit (under ~/tests/testthat).
The errors show that the function results with different hash key values
Any idea what causes the unit test to fail?