The fractions of seconds are incorrectly converted. As am example, timings such as '01:02:03.9' (representing hour:minute:second.fraction) are converted to '01:02:03.009' .
In this case fractions are divided by 100, but if the fraction were 2 decimals long (say '.84'), the resulting fraction would be '.084'.
The timing is only calculated properly for fractions with exactly 3 decimals.
And of course, if we have more than 3 decimals specified, the second counter might be affected. For a large enough number of decimals, we could even get the time specification in seconds to go above 60.
Correction, we can't go over 60 with the number of seconds. Those extra seconds will be added to the minutes - nonetheless, the calculations are inaccurate.
The fractions of seconds are incorrectly converted. As am example, timings such as '01:02:03.9' (representing hour:minute:second.fraction) are converted to '01:02:03.009' .
In this case fractions are divided by 100, but if the fraction were 2 decimals long (say '.84'), the resulting fraction would be '.084'.
The timing is only calculated properly for fractions with exactly 3 decimals.
And of course, if we have more than 3 decimals specified, the second counter might be affected. For a large enough number of decimals, we could even get the time specification in seconds to go above 60.