pcarrier / srv.us

ssh to expose local HTTP services online, CLI pastebin, etc.
BSD Zero Clause License
87 stars 8 forks source link


ssh srv.us:
expose local services over TLS online
(and unrelated small services)

Exposing services

Yet another solution to expose any HTTP server to the Internet through a tunnel.

Free & fully open source. Stable URLs derived from your SSH key. No accounts. Nothing to install outside Windows.

Got a server running on port 3000? Run ssh srv.us -R 1:localhost:3000 and it'll respond with its public HTTPS URL(s), available until you close ssh with Ctrl-c or Ctrl-d, or get disconnected (see Staying up).

It fails with Permission denied (publickey).? You need an SSH key; use ssh-keygen -t ed25519 (defaults work). Another problem? Contact support.

If you forget the syntax, ssh srv.us prints an example.


Set up 2 tunnels, the first to localhost port 3000 and the second to port 80:

$ ssh srv.us -R 1:localhost:3000 -R 2:
1: https://qp556ma755ktlag5b2xyt334ae.srv.us/, https://pcarrier.gh.srv.us/
2: https://z2tdoto6u3mddntra45qkm45ci.srv.us/, https://pcarrier--2.gh.srv.us/

Test the first tunnel with a single-request server:

$ printf 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\nHello through srv.us!\n' | nc -l 3000 > /dev/null &
$ curl https://qp556ma755ktlag5b2xyt334ae.srv.us/
Hello through srv.us!

GitHub & GitLab subdomains

If either GitHub or GitLab authorizes your SSH key for your login, we also expose your tunnels over correspondingly named URLs.

For example, for login jdoe:

(The discrepancy is due to insufficient constraints on GitLab usernames. We need to prevent collisions between users jdoe and eg jdoe--2, whereas GitHub does not allow repeating - in usernames.)

Note that this feature is optional and might not work out of the box:

Staying up

ssh eventually terminates when the connection is lost or the service restarted.

Load balancing

When there are multiple tunnels for a URL, client connections are spread between them randomly. We do not perform any health checks.


We do not record any of your traffic.

However, we log IPs & ports, SSH usernames & keys, connections, tunnels, and byte counts for up to 1 day.

Those logs never leave the server, and are only ever used for operational purposes and to troubleshoot reported issues.

We reserve the right to access your endpoint in the handling of abuse reports.


The Go backend runs on as a systemd service on a single instance and uses certificates provisioned by Let's Encrypt using a systemd timer with a corresponding service where ExecStart=/snap/bin/certbot renew --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --post-hook /usr/local/bin/certbot-renewed --manual-auth-hook /usr/local/bin/certbot-auth (certbot-renewed restarts the backend and certbot-auth integrates with CloudFlare's DNS API). I have plans to scale when it becomes necessary.

That's it?

Non-HTTP protocols work too, as we only rely on the protocol to report errors. See non-http protocols.

The bandwidth used for your traffic is consumed twice. If sponsorships don't cover operating costs and they increase significantly, heavy usage may require financial contribution to avoid throttling.

There are a lot of alternatives. I hope you enjoy this simple take on a common problem. ❤️

That's it.

Sharing files

Simple pastebin feature. POST your content and get a URL back, followed by a newline. For example:

$ doas dmesg | curl --data-binary @- https://srv.us


Returns what you submit.

$ curl -D- --json $(jo a=42) https://srv.us/echo
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json



Returns your headers.

$ curl https://srv.us/h
Accept: */*
User-Agent: curl/8.9.1


Embed a page in the URL itself, in its client-only side. Example, original idea.


Forever redirected. Useful to test agents.


That download won't finish. You've been warned.

Finding my IP

Please take a look at ident.me.

Hosting static websites

Please take a look at xmit.co.