pcca-matrix / PCCA-Layout

HyperSpin layout for Attract-Mode
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 6 forks source link

fail new update black screen no media ?? #64

Open shiryu55 opened 1 year ago

shiryu55 commented 1 year ago

I downloaded the latest update, it gives me an error as if it didn't catch the media directories, which the previous version does pick up perfectly. In the configuration I have set the media directory correctly.


...... layout_config pcca param JoyType Dinput param LowGPU No param extra_artworks_key custom2 param keyboard_layout alpha param keyboard_search_key custom1 param keyboard_search_method show_results param main_menu_key custom4 param medias_path D:\Emulacion\Media\ param scraper_country France param scraper_password test param scraper_region Fr param scraper_username test param screen_saver_timer 55 param special_artworks Yes param stats_main Yes param theme_resolution 1920x1080 param user_lang Es

shiryu55 commented 1 year ago

Attract mode ver 2.7

pcca-matrix commented 1 year ago

what's the exact error displayed in the attract console ? I cannot reproduce the issue on a vanilla instllation of AM 2.7 and the last theme from github

You can also try deleting the attract.am file in the root directory of am and see if that solves the problem.

pcca-matrix commented 1 year ago

Also try to use only supported option of the theme , Es in the param "user_lang" is not supported and can cause crash of the theme !

actually the only supported language is "Fr, En" Es is not already supported but you are free to translate into Spanish if you wish https://github.com/pcca-matrix/PCCA-Layout/blob/master/layouts/pcca/nut/lang.nut

I would add it to the list of supported languages

shiryu55 commented 1 year ago

It didn't work either, however I have the file translated in the previous version and I used it in this one too, a black screen appears, I can hear how the wheel changes the system without seeing anything clear. and I can get into the wheels blindly In short, it's as if I couldn't get to the average. while version 2.80 arrives perfectly. not the 2.85

pcca-matrix commented 1 year ago

Without knowing the exact error , I cannot help you.

launch attract-console.exe and give me the exact error displayed in the console.

pcca-matrix commented 1 year ago

you can also send me your translated lang.nut file. I will test if the problem does not come from there

shiryu55 commented 1 year ago

_LL <- {}

_LL["Fr"] <- { counter = "Compteur de jeu", playedtime = "Temps en jeu", display = "Jeux / Filtre", add_fav = "Ajouté au favoris", ret_fav = "Retiré des favoris", tag_mod = "Tag modifié", Sday = "J", Never = "Jamais", RefreshTxt = "Rafraichissement des statistiques", Games = "Jeux", Played = "Parties", Filter_all = "tous", Yes = "Oui", No = "Non", Close = "Fermer", M_Menu_stretch = "Etiré", M_Menu_center = "Centrer", M_inf_Bezel = "Utiliser les bezels pour les themes HS", M_inf_Bezel_top = "Afficher le bezel au dessus des artworks", M_inf_str_bckg = "Etirer les fond d'écran à la résolution actuelle", M_inf_flv = "Active/Désactive les transitions FLV", M_inf_theme = "Réglage du theme", M_inf_bck_trans = "Utiliser les transitions de fond d'écran.", M_inf_reload_bck = "Utilise les transitions sur les themes systeme", M_inf_aspect = "Aspect du theme (Etire ou centre les thems HS)", M_inf_syno = "Montre/cache le bandeau de texte qui défile", M_inf_syno_speed = "Défini à quelle vitesse défile le texte", M_inf_wheel_pos = "Ajuster la position du texte défilant", M_inf_main_stats = "Montre/cache les stats défilantes sur le main menu", M_inf_game_sound = "Utiliser les sons ambiance", M_inf_wheel_click = "Utiliser les sons de clique pour la wheel", M_inf_wheel_type = "Utiliser une wheel verticale ou arrondie", M_inf_wheel_speed = "Temps en milliseconds pour le défilement de la wheel", M_inf_wheel_fade = "Secondes pour atténué la wheel (0 ou - pour desactiver)", M_inf_wheel_fade_val = "Valeur alpha pour la wheel atténuée (0.0 - 1.0)", M_inf_wheel_slots = "Nombre de wheel à afficher", M_inf_wheel_stats = "Position des statistiques de la wheel", M_inf_wheel_pos = "Ajuster la position de la wheel", M_inf_gsurf_pos = "Position des infos jeu", M_inf_gametext_col = "Couleur du texte des infos jeu", M_inf_gametext_stroke = "Couleur bord de texte des infos jeu", M_inf_gametext = "Montre ou cache les infos jeu", M_inf_gametext_hide = "cache les infos jeux lors de la navigation", M_inf_gametext_year = "cache la ligne date et editeur", M_inf_gametext_lang = "Cache les drapeaux de langue du jeu", M_inf_gametext_counter = "Cache les infos de compteurs", M_inf_gametext_filter = "Cache la ligne avec le filtre en cours", M_inf_gametext_players = "Cache le logo du nombre de joueurs", M_inf_gametext_rating = "Cache le logo d'évaluation", M_inf_gametext_category = "Cache les icones de catégorie", M_inf_gametext_ctrl = "Cache les icones des controllers supporté", M_inf_gametext_country = "Cache le drapeau de region", M_inf_pointer_pos = "Position du pointeur de la wheel", M_inf_pointer_anim = "Utiliser un pointeur de wheel animé", M_inf_Special_disabled = "Les specials artwork sont desactivé globalement...", M_inf_No_Overlay = "Il n'y as pas d'overlay video dans ce theme.", M_inf_No_Artworks = "Aucun artwork trouvé, merci d'en ajouter.", M_inf_theme_reset = "Remet les réglages themes par defaut", Create_folder = "Theme, dossier et xml crée , ajouter vos artwork", Uneditable = "Les themes Zip et unified video ne sont pas editable ...", Cancel = "Annuler", Edit_Ask = "Que voulez-vous faire ?", Create = "Créer", Edit = "Editer" }

_LL["En"] <- { counter = "Play Count", playedtime = "Play Time", display = "Games / Filter", add_fav = "Added to favourites", ret_fav = "Removed from favourites", tag_mod = "Tag changed", Sday = "D", Never = "Never", RefreshTxt = "Refreshing stats", Games = "Games", Played = "Played", Filter_all = "all", Yes = "Yes", No = "No", Close = "Close", M_Menu_stretch = "Stretch", M_Menu_center = "Center", M_inf_Bezel = "Display or hide bezel on HS themes", M_inf_Bezel_top = "Put bezel on top of the theme artworks or below", M_inf_str_bckg = "Stretch all backgrounds to current resolution", M_inf_flv = "Enable or disable FLV Video Transitions", M_inf_theme = "Theme setting", M_inf_bck_trans = "Use background transitions", M_inf_reload_bck = "Reload transitions when navigating on default theme", M_inf_aspect = "Theme aspect (Stretch or Center real Hyperspin theme)", M_inf_syno = "Show/Hide scrolling text", M_inf_syno_speed = "Specifies the scrolling text speed", M_inf_wheel_pos = "Align the position of the scrolling text", M_inf_main_stats = "Show/Hide scrolling stats on main menu", M_inf_game_sound = "Use ambiant games sound", M_inf_wheel_click = "Use wheel click sound", M_inf_wheel_type = "Switch between a vertical or rounded wheel", M_inf_wheel_speed = "Time in milliseconds for wheel spin", M_inf_wheel_fade = "Time in seconds for wheel fade out (negative value disable fading)", M_inf_wheel_fade_val = "Alpha value of the faded wheel (0.0 - 1.0)", M_inf_wheel_slots = "Number of wheel to display", M_inf_wheel_stats = "position of the wheel stats infos", M_inf_wheel_pos = "Align the position of the wheel", M_inf_gsurf_pos = "position of the game info surface", M_inf_gametext_col = "Color of the game text font", M_inf_gametext_stroke = "Stroke color of the game text font", M_inf_gametext = "Enable or disable the Game Info Surface", M_inf_gametext_hide = "Hide Game Info Surface when navigate", M_inf_gametext_year = "Hide year and manufacturer line", M_inf_gametext_lang = "Hide language flags", M_inf_gametext_counter = "Hide counter infos", M_inf_gametext_filter = "Hide the line with current filter infos", M_inf_gametext_players = "Hide the number of players icon", M_inf_gametext_rating = "Hide the rating logo", M_inf_gametext_category = "Hide the category icons", M_inf_gametext_ctrl = "Hide the supported controller icons", M_inf_gametext_country = "Hide the country flag", https://github.com/pcca-matrix/PCCA-Layout/issues/64 Never = "Nunca", RefreshTxt = "Refrescando estadísticas", Games = "Juegos", Played = "Jugados", Filter_all = "todos", Yes = "Sí", No = "No", Close = "Cierra", M_Menu_stretch = "Estirar", M_Menu_center = "Centrar", M_inf_Bezel = "Mostrar u ocultar el bisel en los temas HS", M_inf_Bezel_top = "Poner el bisel encima de las ilustraciones del tema o debajo", M_inf_str_bckg = "Estirar todos los fondos a la resolución actual", M_inf_flv = "Activar o desactivar las transiciones de vídeo FLV", M_inf_theme = "Configuración del tema", M_inf_bck_trans = "Utilizar transiciones de fondo", M_inf_reload_bck = "Recargar transiciones al navegar en el tema por defecto", M_inf_aspect = "Aspecto del tema (Estirar o Centrar el tema real de Hyperspin)", M_inf_syno = "Mostrar/ocultar texto de desplazamiento", M_inf_syno_speed = "Especifica la velocidad de desplazamiento del texto", M_inf_wheel_pos = "Alinea la posición del texto de desplazamiento", M_inf_main_stats = "Muestra/Oculta las estadísticas de desplazamiento en el menú principal", M_inf_game_sound = "Usar sonido ambiente del juego", M_inf_wheel_click = "Usar sonido de clic de rueda", M_inf_wheel_type = "Cambiar entre una rueda vertical o redondeada", M_inf_wheel_speed = "Tiempo en milisegundos para el giro de la rueda", M_inf_wheel_fade = "Tiempo en segundos para el desvanecimiento de la rueda (un valor negativo desactiva el desvanecimiento)", M_inf_wheel_fade_val = "Valor alfa del desvanecimiento de la rueda (0.0 - 1.0)", M_inf_wheel_slots = "Número de rueda a mostrar", M_inf_wheel_stats = "Posición de la rueda stats infos", M_inf_wheel_pos = "Alinear la posición de la rueda", M_inf_gsurf_pos = "posición de la superficie de información del juego", M_inf_gametext_col = "Color de la fuente del texto del juego", M_inf_gametext_stroke = "Color de trazo de la fuente de texto del juego", M_inf_gametext = "Activar o desactivar la superficie de información del juego", M_inf_gametext_hide = "Ocultar la superficie de información del juego al navegar", M_inf_gametext_year = "Ocultar el año y la línea del fabricante", M_inf_gametext_lang = "Ocultar banderas de idioma", M_inf_gametext_counter = "Ocultar información del contador", M_inf_gametext_filter = "Ocultar la línea con infos del filtro actual", M_inf_gametext_players = "Ocultar el icono del número de jugadores", M_inf_gametext_rating = "Ocultar el logotipo de la clasificación", M_inf_gametext_category = "Ocultar los iconos de categoría", M_inf_gametext_ctrl = "Ocultar los iconos de los mandos compatibles", M_inf_gametext_country = "Ocultar la bandera del país", M_inf_pointer_pos = "Posición del puntero de la rueda", M_inf_pointer_anim = "Usar animación del puntero", M_inf_Special_disabled = "Las animaciones especiales están globalmente desactivadas", M_inf_No_Overlay = "No hay superposición de vídeo en este tema", M_inf_No_Artworks = "No se han encontrado ilustraciones, por favor añádalas", M_inf_theme_reset = "Restablecer todos los ajustes del tema a los predeterminados", Create_folder = "¡Carpeta del tema y XML creados! por favor añada sus artworks", Uneditable = "Zip y tema de vídeo unificado no son editables ...", Cancel = "Cancelar", Edit_Ask = "¿Qué quiere hacer?", Create = "Crear", Edit = "Editar" }

shiryu55 commented 1 year ago

You were right, I changed the language in attract.cfg, and left pcca by default, and it worked. On the other hand, I don't know why it doesn't allow you to add the translation as with the other pcca

shiryu55 commented 1 year ago

On the other hand, taking advantage of it, I could make a request. I would like to add a feature to your pcca, the last game run feature. I tried adding the lines of code as with other layouts but I can't. ........... </ label="--- Recently Played Games ---", help=" ", options=" ", order=orderx++ /> paramxx13=" " </ label="List length", help="Set the number of entries in your recently played game list", options="25,50,75,100", order=orderx++ /> rp_list_size="50" ..... // modules fe.load_module("math") fe.load_module("inertia") ........

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Recently Played romlist

function update_recently_played() { local t = clock() local rp = [] local b, line, title_and_emulator local i_start = 0

// if reached list max size, FIFO
if( fe.nv["HA_BUILD_RP"].len() == my_config["rp_list_size"].tointeger() )
    i_start = 1

// rebuild list
for( local i = i_start; i < fe.nv["HA_BUILD_RP"].len(); i++ )
    title_and_emulator = split( fe.nv["HA_BUILD_RP"][i], ";" )

    if( fe.game_info( Info.Title ) == title_and_emulator[1] && fe.game_info(Info.Emulator) == title_and_emulator[2] )
        return   // if game was found, exit
        rp.push( fe.nv["HA_BUILD_RP"][i] )

// add game to array
local new_rp = fe.game_info(Info.Name) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Title) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Emulator) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.CloneOf) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Year) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Manufacturer) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Category) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Players) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Rotation) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Control) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Status) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.DisplayCount) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.DisplayType) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.AltRomname) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.AltTitle) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Extra) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Buttons) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Series) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Language) + ";" +
                fe.game_info(Info.Region) + ";" +

rp.push( new_rp )

print("update_recently_played() Added to rp: " + new_rp + "\n" + "rp list size = " + rp.len() + "\n")

if( fe.nv.rawin( "HA_BUILD_RP" ) )

fe.nv["HA_BUILD_RP"] <- rp

// write array to 'Recently Played.txt' romlist
local fs = file( FeConfigDirectory+"romlists/Recently Played.txt", "w" )

for( local j = 0; j < rp.len(); j++ )
    line = rp[j] + "\n"
    b = blob( line.len() )

    foreach( i, item in line )
        b.writen( item, 'b' )

    fs.writeblob( b )


print( format( "update_recently_played() executed in: %u ms\n", (::clock() - t) * 1000 ))


fe.add_transition_callback( "transition_recently_played" ) function transition_recently_played( ttype, var, ttime ) { if( ttype == Transition.FromGame && fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name != "Recently Played" ) update_recently_played() }

fe.add_transition_callback( "transition_recently_played" ) function transition_recently_played( ttype, var, ttime ) { if( ttype == Transition.FromGame && fe.displays[fe.list.display_index].name != "Recently Played" ) update_recently_played() }

pcca-matrix commented 1 year ago

it crashes because you are missing some translations, if you want the complete translation these are still missing.

    counter = "Play Count",
    playedtime = "Play Time",
    display = "Games / Filter",
    add_fav = "Added to favourites",
    ret_fav = "Removed from favourites",
    tag_mod = "Tag changed",
    M_inf_wheel_anim = "Wheel animation",
    M_inf_wheel_frame = "Use frames",
    M_inf_wheel_round = "Switch between a flat or rounded wheel",
    M_inf_wheel_curve = "Adjust the curvature of the wheel",
    M_inf_wheel_spinstart = "Spinning wheel at startup",
    M_inf_wheel_scale = "Scale the wheel elements",
    M_inf_wheel_center_zoom = "Scale the Center element (zoom effect)",
    M_inf_wheel_media = "Choose media type to display on the wheel",

you can translate them and i will include the spanish languages ​​in the next update

Last played and some other custom romlist (most played, anniversary game, etc...) are planned and will be part of a futur update.

shiryu55 commented 1 year ago

pcca.zip script.zip Here is the PCCA with the translation to Spanish, plus the option to automatically save the last played games by the PCCA. It is necessary to have the script.nv file in RAID, which I am also attaching.

pcca-matrix commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the translation, it is now added.

For the already played, on this theme we can not proceed in this way this is due to the fact that the media are identified by listname and not by emulator/system name but do not worry it's in progress ;)

I still have to put online the romlist builder and the scraper before.

hope to have some free time in the next few weeks.

pcca-matrix commented 1 year ago

custom romlists added https://github.com/pcca-matrix/PCCA-Layout/commit/fe82452807b61817193bc73304860de24851b333