pdmangel / node-red-contrib-openhab2

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msg.payload.state is different type when it is 100 vs 99 (for a group at least) #19

Closed dakipro closed 6 years ago

dakipro commented 6 years ago

Hi, I was writing a simple rule that should dim the lights if they are brighter then X. I have a node that sets payload to f.eks. 40, then I call openhab2-get to get current value, then I do a simple function that does if(msg.payload_in < msg.payload.state){ retMsg = {}; retMsg.payload = msg.payload_in; return retMsg; }

However, it works fine but not if msg.payload.state is full brightness (value of 100). So if a value is 99, then it works and compares it fine with f.eks. 40, but if it is a 100 then I must cast it to int and compare it. I usually do this simply by putting + in front of the value, so that it becomes

if(msg.payload_in < +msg.payload.state){

Now I might be wrong about the casting, I wasn't really debugging it, and I might be doing something totally wrong, but it got me by a surprise a few times when the rule didn't fired, and it was very difficult to figure out why.

It would be great if unpredictable behavior could be minimized if possible. Thanks!

pdmangel commented 6 years ago

Are you sure msg.payload_in is a number and not a string ?

dakipro commented 6 years ago

Hm.. it looks that it is a string actually. I am not that level of javascript expert, do you have a theory of why would comparing a string vs string not give correct results? Or better yet, why would converting second string to a int give correct results in this case? Thanks!

pdmangel commented 6 years ago

String comparison is alphabetical, not numerical.

https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_comparisons.asp states 👍

When comparing a string with a number, JavaScript will convert the string to a number when doing the comparison. An empty string converts to 0. A non-numeric string converts to NaN which is always false.