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An example of running prism alongside code-prettify #127

Open JonathanUsername opened 8 years ago

JonathanUsername commented 8 years ago

Jonathan King [5:52 PM]
there it’s running alongside code-prettify

with a little bit more logic in the includer:

  <script src="" defer></script>
  <script src="{{ site.baseurl }}/js/vendor/prism.js" defer></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/css/prism.css">
  []"pre"), function(el) {
    var prism = false;
    el.classList.forEach(function(i) {
      prism = /language-/.test(i) ? true : false;
    if (!prism) el.classList.add("prettyprint");
{% endif %}

I’ll put it in a new branch though, and do a pull request

might be some other considerations, like size etc.

but you also need to specify the language for the given snippet. Here’s the markdown for that image:

      routeNum: ownProps.routes.filter(r => r.path).length

So we can include two types of `name` prop in our Route components in `routes.js`:

1. Functions, that pull it out of state.
2. Strings, that are directly formatted.

<pre class="language-jsx">
  <code class="language-jsx">
    <Route name={state =>} path={'locations/:id'} component={Locations}/>
    <Route name={'locations'} path={'locations/:id'} component={Locations}/>

Then, finally, we can do a bit of further mapping and reducing in the Breadcrumb container component to concatenate the paths correctly and evaluate the params.

    // Evaluate and replace multiple params in path
    // eg. door/:id/foo/:doorId -> door/2/foo/5
    const replaceParams = params => route => {
      const matches = route.path.match(/:([^\/]+)/g) || [];
JonathanUsername commented 8 years ago

I tried to make the code colours the same, but didn't put much effort into it. could be done better using the existing code.scss