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Front page of the app #145

Open mitar opened 8 years ago

mitar commented 8 years ago

What should be the front page of the app? Presentation of the project and instructions how to use it/start using it? User dashboard? List of discussions/meetings?

mitar commented 7 years ago

We could also have a list of PeerMind (platform) news, so that users can read about new features added to the platform. That could be simply hard-coded with every release, so as other update their installations, users can see what is new.

Should we also push notifications to users about that? Or just display it on the front page? Or just push notifications without front page info?

arcalinea commented 7 years ago

I would have liked instructions on how to use it, and maybe a demo

mitar commented 7 years ago

By demo you mean a screencast?

mitar commented 7 years ago

Some static front page work has been currently done in this repository: