pengrad / java-telegram-bot-api

Telegram Bot API for Java
Apache License 2.0
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TelegramBot.setUpdatesListener(UpdatesListener, GetUpdates) #105

Closed theskylineguy closed 7 years ago

theskylineguy commented 7 years ago


I am having some problems here: when I run the application it prints out the same first Update in an infinite loop, acting like it doesn't confirm it. I'm pretty sure it's an offset issue, though I don't understand how to increment its value like you explained in your documentation, since I am using the UpdatesListener with the getUpdates request and not just the second one - using this because I need to filter only some kind of Updates. Could you clarify me how to achieve this?

Here's part of the code:

public final class Main
    public static void main (String[] args)
        final TelegramBot bot = ("<TOKEN>");

        final UpdatesListener updateListener = new UpdatesListener ()
            public int process (List<Update> updates)
                Update lastUpdate = updates.get (updates.size() - 1);

                for (Update update : updates)
                    out.println (update);

                return UpdateManager.confirm (lastUpdate);

        bot.setUpdatesListener (updateListener, new GetUpdates().offset(0).limit(10).timeout(30).allowedUpdates("message", "callback_query", "channel_post"));

public class UpdateManager
    public static int confirm (Update update)
        return (update.updateId().intValue() + 1);

Thanks in advance.

pengrad commented 7 years ago

Hi, Just returning return UpdatesListener.CONFIRMED_UPDATES_ALL; will work for you?

theskylineguy commented 7 years ago

I already tried this, but it doesn't seem to work for me. What else can I do?

pengrad commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid it can happens because allowedUpdates. Try to test Api directly, or use this one

And return here if it will work for you

theskylineguy commented 7 years ago

I get the right Updates both on and

The problem is not in the Telegram API, but how to confirm incoming Updates via the GetUpdates request in setUpdatesListener method.

pengrad commented 7 years ago

I dont handle allowedUpdates. Will release 3.1.1 today with fix

pengrad commented 7 years ago

Btw, returning CONFIRMED_UPDATES_ALL or updates.get(updates.size() - 1).updateId() (don't increment it by yourself) works fine for me now

theskylineguy commented 7 years ago

Can you post a snippet of any bot of yours code for comparison?

pengrad commented 7 years ago

pengrad commented 7 years ago

I fixed it in 3.2.0 together with Sticker updates. Use updates.get(updates.size() - 1).updateId() or CONFIRMED_UPDATES_ALL