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Error when leaving contact import page #225

Open katafrakt opened 11 months ago

katafrakt commented 11 months ago

Whenever I leave the contact import page, no matter if I performed an import or not, I'm seeing this error in the server log:

[error] GenServer #PID<0.1362.0> terminating
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in KeilaWeb.ContactImportLive.terminate/2
    (keila 0.12.2) lib/keila_web/live/contact_import_live.ex:91: KeilaWeb.ContactImportLive.terminate({:shutdown, :closed}, #Phoenix.LiveView.Socket<id: "phx-F3c7XwN3eiYkhAeG", endpoint: KeilaWeb.Endpoint, view: KeilaWeb.ContactImportLive, parent_pid: nil, root_pid: #PID<0.1362.0>, router: nil, assigns: %{__changed__: %{}, current_project: %Keila.Projects.Project{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "projects">, id: "np_RzejQdqB", name: "test", group_id: "nag_G6amQa48", group: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :group is not loaded>, inserted_at: ~U[2023-04-25 10:56:46Z], updated_at: ~U[2023-04-25 10:56:46Z]}, flash: %{}, import_error: nil, import_progress: 0, import_replace: true, import_total: 0, live_action: nil, uploaded_files: [], uploads: %{__phoenix_refs_to_names__: %{"phx-F3c7YRXmtSt2DgiG" => :csv}, csv: #Phoenix.LiveView.UploadConfig<name: :csv, max_entries: 1, max_file_size: 8000000, entries: [], accept: ".csv,.txt,.tsv", ref: "phx-F3c7YRXmtSt2DgiG", errors: [], auto_upload?: false, progress_event: nil, ...>}}, transport_pid: #PID<0.1356.0>, ...>)
    (stdlib 4.1.1) gen_server.erl:1161: :gen_server.try_terminate/3
    (stdlib 4.1.1) gen_server.erl:1351: :gen_server.terminate/10
    (stdlib 4.1.1) proc_lib.erl:250: :proc_lib.wake_up/3

This is because implementation of terminate callback for ContactImportLive only works if the reason is :normal:

  @impl true
  def terminate(:normal, socket) do
    if socket.assigns.csv_filename do

However, here the reason is {:shutdown, :closed}. I'm not sure when (if ever) LiveViews terminate with :normal, but perhaps the implementation of terminate should not check for reason and always try to delete the uploaded file?