peopledoc / ansible-role-boot

Ansible role to boot .lxc hosts in an inventory, Vagrantfile provided in novafloss/ansible-setup
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ansible-role approved-public ghec-mig-migrated

.. warn:: This role has been deprecated in favor of ansible-boot-lxc.

The purpose of this role is to start inventory hosts, instanciating them first if necessary. It will create / start any host which name ends in .lxc.

Note that you need lxc, dsnmasq, and sudo to be properly configured. And lxc-python2 (which require lxc-dev) installed in your ansible environement. That means that you can create a container with internet access and that you can resolve it by name.lxc.

Consider this example inventory::

flow.lxc lxc_template_options='-r wheezy'



And a playbook like that::


- hosts: localhost
  become: true
  become_user: root
  become_method: sudo
  - pdoc.boot

- hosts: redis
  - geerlingguy.redis

- hosts: rabbitmq
  - alexey.rabbitmq

First, pdoc.boot will start the containers and create them if they don't exist, then plays will be executed normally on rabbitmq and redis container hosts.

Note that this will add to your ssh_config::

Host *.lxc
    # No need for security for disposable test containers
    UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
    StrictHostKeyChecking no
    User root