We need a sequence diagram describing the entire flow
we can start in this issue using mermaid or plantuml
here an example as template
we need three entities
RP (requesting X.509 Certificates)
Superior Entity also ACME Provider
Trust Anchor supporting trust evaluation
participant WalletInstance as Wallet Instance
participant CV as Credential Verifier
participant IE as Intermediate
participant TA as Trust Anchor
WalletInstance->>CV: Fetch CV's Entity Configuration
CV->>WalletInstance: Return Entity Configuration
WalletInstance->>CV: Extract Authority Hints from CV's Configuration
CV->>WalletInstance: Provide Authority Hints
loop for each Authority Hint
WalletInstance->>IE: Fetch Entity Configuration -> get federation_fetch_api URL
IE->>WalletInstance: Fetch Subordinate Statement
WalletInstance->>WalletInstance: Validate the previous statement<br/>using the Federation Entity Keys<br/>provided in the Subordinate Statement
WalletInstance->>WalletInstance: Validate Trust Chain
alt If Trust Chain is valid and unexpired
WalletInstance->>WalletInstance: Proceed with Federation Process
WalletInstance->>WalletInstance: Abort Process with Error
WalletInstance->>WalletInstance: Applies Policies
WalletInstance->>WalletInstance: Derive CV's final metadata
We need a sequence diagram describing the entire flow
we can start in this issue using mermaid or plantuml
here an example as template
we need three entities