perchco / perchrtc

An iOS WebRTC demo using XirSys servers
MIT License
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DataChannel - Is the RTCDataChannel supported? #28

Closed whydna closed 8 years ago

whydna commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to use the RTCDataChannel in the nighthawk build, but it doesn't seem to be fully supported?

Any advice?

ceaglest commented 8 years ago

@whydna Unfortunately I can't offer too much advice because I haven't tried this myself. I know that the offers/answers are generated with the optional internalSctpDataChannels constraint, so in theory this should be enough to get things started. Also, later versions of Chrome probably have better support than m45.

Are you calling:

- (RTCDataChannel*)createDataChannelWithLabel:(NSString*)label

Before creating offers/answers? If you don't already have a channel created then the SDPs will not reflect this, and the channel will not be negotiated regardless of the optional constraint added.

whydna commented 8 years ago

@ceaglest Just wanted to reply here and say it works as expected.
