percival-detector / percivalui

The Percival detector python user interface
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Percival UI

The Percival detector python user interface.

Please see the central user and developer documentation on the percival-detector github pages

The percivalui project allow users and detector engineers to control the Percival detector system from a python based user interface. The userinterface is simply a python class where properties and methods can be manipulated to control the detector.

It is released under the Apache License 2.0.


This package is developed with Python 3.7. Every git Push is tested using travis-ci with Python 3.4.

System dependencies:

Building with setuptools will attempt to use pip to download and install dependencies locally first. The python dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. Updating pip and setuptools to recent versions is recommended.


Installing InfluxDB

Instructions for installing InfluxDB2 can be found here. It is recommended that the database be installed as a package for your specific OS. To install on CentOS the following steps are appropriate:

cd ~
mkdir -p packages
cd packages
sudo yum localinstall influxdb2-2.7.6-1.x86_64.rpm

The database is run as a service and can be set to automatically run when the machine boots. It is also possible to install linux binaries or install from source, visit the link for further information and instructions. If possible, also see the page at

Installing Grafana OSS

You may not need grafana as Influxdb2 has its own graphing capability. It appears here for legacy reasons. Full instructions for installing Grafana can be found here. To install on CentOS the following steps are appropriate:

cd ~
mkdir -p packages
cd packages
tar -zxvf grafana-8.2.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo yum localinstall grafana-8.2.0.linux-amd64.rpm

The platform is run as a service and can be set to automatically run when the machine boots. It is also possible to install linux binaries or install from source, visit the link for further information and instructions.

Installing Percival Control Software

Download the sources of this repository using git. If your site network goes through a HTTP(S) proxy server, you may need to set the environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy:

export http_proxy=mysite.proxy.server:port
export https_proxy=mysite.proxy.server:port

git clone

If you have a github account, you can load your public ssh key into your profile and enjoy key-authenticated, passwordless access (if you later need to push changes up) via the ssh protocol (no proxy environment settings required):

Building and installing the sources and scripts can be done with the usual python package build system (i.e. setuptools) and it is recommended to setup a virtualenv first:

cd percivalui

# Setup your virtual python3 environment and activate it
virtualenv --no-site-packages -p /path/to/python3.7 venv3
source venv3/bin/activate

# Point to your HDF5 installation if it is not in the system path
export HDF5_DIR=/path/to/your/hdf5/installation

# Please read requirements.txt and setup any specific requirements for your system.
# Install the python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Run the unittests to ensure everything is setup in the environment
# (tested on RHEL7)
python nosetests

# Optionally build the documentation
python build_sphinx

Once you have everything working you can build and install the product. It is recommended to install it into a virtual environment in development mode:

cd percivalui

# activate your virtual python environment 
source venv3/bin/activate

python develop (or pip install -e .)

Updating the percivalui code is like this:

cd percivalui

# activate your virtual python environment 
source venv3/bin/activate

# Clean up before updating
python develop --uninstall

git pull origin

python develop


Before attempting to execute ensure that the installation steps above have been completed successfully.

Configuration Files

The configuration file "./config/percival.ini" contains the IP address of the detector hardware as well as the connection details for the InfluxDB database. This file should be edited and the values set correctly before executing the software. The file is in a human readable ini format, an example is provided below:

carrier_ip = ""

address = ""
port = 8086
name = "percival"

#setpoints = "config/SetpointGroups.ini"
#control_groups = "config/ControlGroups.ini"
#monitor_groups = "config/MonitorGroups.ini"

| Section | Parameter | Description |

| Control | carrier_ip | IP address of Percival control board. The value of "" shown above is for use when executing the Odin server against a software-simulation and should be changed to the ip-address of the carrier-board. | | Database | address | IP address of InfluxDB server. If the database server is running on the same machine as the Odin server then this value can be set to | | Database | port | Port number of the InfluxDB server. The value of 8086 is the recommended norm. | | Database | name | Name of the database to use for recording data. If the database does not exist then it is created. This should not need to be changed from the default value "percival" |

The configuration file "./percival_test.cfg" is used to configure the Odin server instance, containing the information required to load the Percival control plugin into the server. The file is also used to specify which port the Odin server will serve HTTP requests on. Currently it is not expected that this file should be changed, the contents are shown below:

debug_mode = 1
http_port  = 8888
http_addr  =
static_path = ./static
adapters   = percival

logging = debug

module = percival_detector.control.percival_adapter.PercivalAdapter

| Section | Parameter | Description |

| server | debug_mode | Debugging mode for the Odin server application | | server | http_port | Port number that Odin uses to serve the HTTP requests | | server | http_addr | Address that Odin binds to for serving HTTP requests | | server | static_path | Path that is used by Odin to serve the GUI webpages | | tornado | logging | Log level for the tornado web server that Odin uses | | adapter.percival | module | Name of module to load into the Odin server, set to percival_detector.control.percival_adapter.PercivalAdapter |

NOTE: The above configuration file "percival_test.cfg" should not need to be changed for the Percival control application. All of the default values are setup for the Percival control software.

Running the Odin Server

Once installation is complete running the Odin server requires only the setting up of the Python virtual environment followed by the execution of the Odin instance:

# cd to the correct location
cd percivalui

# activate your virtual python environment
source venv3/bin/activate

# Execute the Odin server
odin_control --config=percival_test.cfg

Once the server is running you can open a web browser and browse to the correct address of the odin server (e.g. You will be presented with the home page shown below:

alt text


The built documentation will be located in docs/build/html/index.html