pestphp / pest

Pest is an elegant PHP testing Framework with a focus on simplicity, meticulously designed to bring back the joy of testing in PHP.
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Main questions and arguments against Pest as the default Laravel testing tool. #149

Closed alexmartinfr closed 3 years ago

alexmartinfr commented 4 years ago

Nuno recently proposed a PR to make Pest the default testing tool in Laravel.

Here is a summary of the main questions and arguments against it. This should help Pest target people's needs more accurately in the future.

All points are extracted from actual quotes and edited for brevity.

Common questions:

Arguments against it:

Arguments in favor:

Alternatives suggestions for now:


Please add anything I might have missed, and feel free to comment!

nunomaduro commented 3 years ago

Thank you for compacting those questions. Some of the stuff got addressed.

joelmellon commented 2 years ago

A few others show a wrong understanding of what Pest is. I think better communication could fix that.

I agree entirely. At this point I think PHPUnit is aging and is in need of a massive overhaul, hence my search for something new and my subsequent discovery of Pest. Does Pest "extend" PHPUnit or compete with, replace, and/or rewrite its functionality from scratch? And as mentioned above, can I run both? etc.

Even just a blurb clarifying a couple basic things for new (potential) users at the top of the readme, would be a great start.

I for one hate PHPUnit with its terrible documentation, deprecated features, ever changing API, and the handful of projects that attempt to add onto it, or be used along side it, eg. Mockery, Collision, Codeception, etc, etc. The PHP unit testing ecosystem is so...I don't know, ghetto is the only word that jumps to mind. Knowing how Pest fits into this space seems like an obvious thing to advertise.

TL;DR: Why should I use Pest?

Dziamid-Harbatsevich commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the Pest for php review. From first sight, where is the parent class? I mean, how can I drive the inheritance or any OOP in Pest? If anyone know... I am mot acquinted with it yet.

owenvoke commented 2 years ago

@Dziamid-Harbatsevich, the parent class for the test case? 🤔 That's covered in the documentation here. The default parent class is PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase, which can be overridden by using uses(CustomTestCase::class)->in('path'); in Pest.php or uses(CustomTestCase::class); in a specific test file. 👍🏻

vstyler96 commented 1 year ago

I know this is closed and probably my comment is not going to be read soon, but is there any difference with execution time on multiple files? Are tests going to run parallel by default?

GavG commented 1 year ago

I know this is closed and probably my comment is not going to be read soon, but is there any difference with execution time on multiple files? Are tests going to run parallel by default?

As PEST is an abstraction of PHPUnit, there is an inherent, tiny performance reduction, this is typically negligible.

chiragc2 commented 11 months ago

It's too late to make Vote for pest but as PHP developer we need to welcome such changes on eco system. (yes that will impact on development life cycle and execution delays on project, but at same time we can educate community with many resources) yesterday i have show i wish they could ship🚢 Pest code export on same feature. or any php-dev who wanted to stick with PHP one can build a competitive app using NativePHP

GavG commented 11 months ago

I have recently attempted to convert a codebase with PHPUnit tests to Pest, just to see if it were feasible, and thought it might be informative to share my experience.

Firstly, the conversion tool that we used had some shortcomings, no support for strict mode, issues with abstract classes. So, the output needed to be adjusted with seveal regexes find and replace routines.

Secondly, we were using some PHPUnit extension packages for things like XML assertions, which were not compatible with Pest.

Thirdly, the formatting of the outputted code and test names wasn't great and a pass of PHPCBF was unable to fix it without manual intervention.

In the end we gave up and left the project as is. We deemed that there would be too much work involved for not enough gain.

So, the next question we had to discuss in our team was, do we use Pest for future greenfield projects?

On the one hand it's shiney and new and learning new coding styles is great. On the other hand, all of our current projects use PHPUnit and everyone is well versed in it, introducing Pest would add some degree of context switching and additional mental overhead.

We've decided to stick to PHPUnit for the time being. As for what we think the default testing framework should be for new Laravel projects, we're not bothered as long as we can run what we like there's no problem. Yes, it'll be a wee bit more effort, but, ultimately, web frameworks are just a guide/collection of useful patterns. Testing frameworks, like any code, should never be too tightly coupled to the application framework if it can be helped so as to maintain a healthy architectural boundary. As it stands users have a choice of test framework so all is well 👍

Sophist-UK commented 10 months ago

I installed Jetstream (which has phpunit tests) and ran Pest and nothing passed. I was expecting existing PHPunit tests to continue working.

So I ran the official Pest migration tool - and it migrated only one of the Jetstream tests and even that one failed after conversion.

I then tried running phpunit and got an error about Pest instead.

This is IMO simply insanity.

I cannot see any reason why Pest shouldn't be implemented in a way that:

  1. Allows you to continue to run phpunit on test suites that are all phpunit.
  2. Allows you to run Pest on test suites that are either phpunit or Pest tests or a combination of the two.

This is IMO a MAJOR inhibitor to take-up of Pest because you cannot turn it on and refactor existing tests over time and it turns what could be an easy, gentle migration from phpunit to Pest as time permits into a major big-bang traffic-jam conversion project.

Or have I misunderstood this?

NOTE: The reason that most tests didn't migrate was because they were already Pest tests.