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Pushbutton class buggy ? #115

Closed petaramesh closed 7 months ago

petaramesh commented 7 months ago


I'm trying the Pushbutton v3 class on a Raspberry Pi Pico W with micropython v1.22.1 and I'm encoutering a few issues :

Exception occurred ! Traceback (most recent call last): File "asyncio/", line 1, in run_until_complete File "/lib/primitives/", line 47, in _timer File "/lib/primitives/", line 20, in launch File "/lib/primitives/", line 83, in _ddto AttributeError: 'Pushbutton' object has no attribute '_fa'

This doesn't occur if "suppress=True" is not used.

So basically it seems to be working good as long as no fancy options are used : No "suppress=True" and no custom delays, and then it behaves allright.

peterhinch commented 7 months ago

Re your first bug, I can replicate this and will fix it.

I cannot replicate your issues with the custom times. These are class variables and it is necessary to set them prior to instantiating the class. The following script works with expected times (I have defined a release_func to avoid triggering the above bug):

from primitives import Pushbutton
from machine import Pin
import asyncio
sel = Pin(16, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pb = Pushbutton(sel, True)
def f(a):
pb.press_func(f, ('press',))
pb.long_func(f, ('long',))
pb.double_func(f, ('double',))
pb.release_func(f, ('release',))
async def main():
    await asyncio.sleep(10)

I will amend the docs to clarify the use of the class variables.

If you are still encountering a problem with custom times, please provide a script which reproduces the fault.

peterhinch commented 7 months ago

I have now pushed a fix.

It is perhaps worth noting that setting suppress in the absence of a release function is not an expected condition, since to quote from the docs:

Note: suppress affects the behaviour of the release_func only.

petaramesh commented 7 months ago

Hi Peter, Thanks for your so quick action and fix ! I'll test your code above to couble-check whether or not the timing settings actually work, but so far my attempts here tended to demonstrate they didn't. About suppress not being intended to be used without a release function, it were my first experiments with these routines and I was testing different methods to check what behaviour was the best for what I intended to do... That kind of tests tend to unearth unexpected bugs ;)

Many thanks again.

Also many thanks for the nice libraries that save me having to write tedious debouncing code, and asyncio helps much if writing my microcontroller application - I just discovered it and rewrote all of my code to use it, it's really much better this way !

petaramesh commented 7 months ago

I tested your code with the custom timings, and it actually works.

My mistake was that I had used mybutton.long_press_ms=2000 where it is Pushbutton.long_press_ms=2000

i.e. I thought it was a per-button setting, where it seems to be a global one.

peterhinch commented 7 months ago

Glad this is all OK now.