petersaj / AP_histology

Histology processing
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out of memory issue(zeros function for binned_spikes_depth) #1

Closed geonung closed 3 years ago

geonung commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for your demo code, it is really helpful with SHARP-Track. I recorded mouse neural activity(~30min) using 1 Neuropixels probe with workstation which has 64GB RAM. However, I have trouble to solve 'out of memory' error.

Here is the code and error output:

binned_spikes_depth = zeros(length(unique_depths),length(corr_edges)-1);
for curr_depth = 1:length(unique_depths)
    binned_spikes_depth(curr_depth,:) = histcounts(spike_times( ...
        ismember(spike_templates,find(depth_group == unique_depths(curr_depth)))), ...
>>> Out of memory.
Related documentation

Size of 'spike_templates' = 62391351(double), and 'corr_edges' = 15617103700(double) Should I size up RAM or allocate datasets? Thanks,

petersaj commented 3 years ago

Hi Youn - this is for the function AP_align_probe_histology? Great if it's useful, just a heads up that that's pretty unrefined and it'll probably be replaced by another tool being developed by the IBL (see demo here Would be happy to hear how it works for you though.

64GB should be good, that 'corr_edges' seems too big: by default it should be time bins in 10ms increments from the first to the last spike, so for 30 min you should be getting ~180k values instead of 15 billion which is what yours is.

Maybe check the step where 'corr_edges' is created in line 28: what are the min and max spike times, are they weird values?

geonung commented 3 years ago

Hi, peters. Sorry for late answer for using IBL demo code and checking my error in AP_align_probe_histology.

Firstly, my data size was 'spike_templates' = 6,239,135 x 1 and 'corr_edges' = 1 x 5,617,103,700(not above value.. sorry.) I checked min and max spike times, and each are 114 and 56,171,151.

Is there a any problem here that i added code for change 'uint32'(spike_templates) and 'uint64'(spike_times) to 'double' data format?

spike_times = double(readNPY('C:\spike_times.npy'));
spike_templates = double(readNPY('C:\spike_templates.npy'))

Thanks for your kind instruction and i'm sorry for my explaining skills, actually i'm a beginner of this area. Happy holiday..!!

petersaj commented 3 years ago

Ah it's probably because your _spiketimes are in integers but it's expecting time in seconds. So you could either convert them into seconds however you normally do it, or for a quick fix just divide by your sampling rate (probably 30k) since this is just getting a correlation of MUA rather than aligning to anything

geonung commented 3 years ago

Thanks, after dividing by sampling_rate(30k), then the problem is solved and works well :) 👍