pfitzpaddy / ngm-reportDesk

The workdesk for ReportHub
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clean up AYUUB organization_tag #303

Closed drfaustusfade closed 5 years ago

drfaustusfade commented 5 years ago

there was the same problem in AF; organization_tag was set incorrectly due to a bug on some stage before updated with next querries

use ngmHealthCluster;
db.getCollection('beneficiaries').update({organization_id: "5bcd8f20fa02b94362cdcc2a"}, { $set: { "organization_tag" : "ayuub" } }, { multi:true });
db.getCollection('targetbeneficiaries').update({organization_id: "5bcd8f20fa02b94362cdcc2a"}, { $set: { "organization_tag" : "ayuub" } }, { multi:true });
db.getCollection('targetlocation').update({organization_id: "5bcd8f20fa02b94362cdcc2a"}, { $set: { "organization_tag" : "ayuub" } }, { multi:true });
db.getCollection('project').update({organization_id: "5bcd8f20fa02b94362cdcc2a"}, { $set: { "organization_tag" : "ayuub", "organization_name" : "AYUUB" } }, { multi:true });
db.getCollection('report').update({organization_id: "5bcd8f20fa02b94362cdcc2a"}, { $set: { "organization_tag" : "ayuub" } }, { multi:true });
db.getCollection('location').update({organization_id: "5bcd8f20fa02b94362cdcc2a"}, { $set: { "organization_tag" : "ayuub" } }, { multi:true });
use ngmReportHub;
db.getCollection('organization').update({_id: ObjectId("5bcd8f20fa02b94362cdcc2a")}, { $set: { "organization_tag" : "ayuub", "organization_name" : "AYUUB", "organization_type" : "National NGO", "organization": "AYUUB" } }, { multi:true });
db.getCollection('user').update({organization_id: "5bcd8f20fa02b94362cdcc2a"}, { $set: { "organization_tag" : "ayuub", "organization_name" : "AYUUB", "organization_type" : "National NGO", "organization": "AYUUB" } }, { multi:true });
pfitzpaddy commented 5 years ago

@drfaustusfade, I see the PROD is now updated, if yes feel free to close this and thanks alot!