pfn / passifox

Extensions to allow Chrome and Firefox (4.0+) to auto form-fill passwords from KeePass (requires KeePassHttp)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature requests for KeePassHttp (ChromeIPass) #12

Closed highend closed 13 years ago

highend commented 13 years ago

Hi Perry,

first, I'm not familiar with github so I'm unsure if the issues tracker is the right place to copy & paste my suggestions from the comments section on the chrome webstore for ChromeIPass / KeePassHttp.

Your comment on feature suggestion nr. 5 was: "@anonymous, #5) keepasshttp, add a field "Prompt Timeout" sans quotes to Advanced fields for KeePassHttp Settings, the value is an integer for how many seconds to wait."

I quit KeePass and Chrome, downloaded v1.0.3.1 (KeePassHttp), copied it to the KeePass folder, overwriting the old version. After restarting both and looking on the advanced field entries in KeePass for "KeePassHttp Settings" I didn't find any additional entries (apart for the AES key) to configure the timeout.

I'm reposting feature wishes 1-4 here as well. Eventually you can leave a comment on them if there is a chance that they'll be integrated?

  1. If the Keepass database contains more than one entry for a website and we click on the icon in the address bar of Chrome we can see the different usernames that can be filled in. Can we have an option to display their corresponding title name instead, please?
  2. Keepass has a recycle bin. Can you please exclude all entries that are stored there?
  3. Are there any shortcuts available to insert username + password or only password (the two options for logins)? If not can you add them (it would be nice if the user can change them afterwards), please?
  4. A small cosmetic thing: When Chromepass receives passwords from Keepass it'll show a small yellow balloon tip over the Keepass icon in the system tray. It will display all title names for all passcards there. Can you separate these entries a bit more (add a line break after each title name and a colon + linebreak in front of the first entry in the list)?. It would make this tooltip much more readable.

Tia, Highend

pfn commented 13 years ago

Issues are the right place; you need to add the "Prompt Timeout" field to KeePassHttp settings, set the value to a number.

pfn commented 13 years ago

Also, includes "respect search settings" on entries, I think that should take care of searching in the recycle bin

pfn commented 13 years ago

4) -

pfn commented 13 years ago

3) the next version will support CTRL-SHIFT-U and CTRL-SHIFT-P, U = Fill User+Pass, P = Fill Pass Only

pfn commented 13 years ago

Ok, just pushed 1.0.2 to extension gallery, open a new issue if #2 hasn't been fixed.

gene-pavlovsky commented 12 years ago

CTRL-SHIFT-U and CTRL-SHIFT-P, U = Fill User+Pass, P = Fill Pass Only Nice find! But why isn't it mentioned anywhere? Should put this information to the extension's description, or add "options" to the extension, that provide a help window with useful tips like that. Not really user-friendly to have to read through github issues to find out about shortcuts. Also, I have to mention the "allow" prompts were very irritating for me, and I think rather pointless from the security staindpoint - I was at the point where I wanted to uninstall ChromeIPass and just use Auto-Type, then I found that adding a "Auto Allow" property with a value of "yes" (or other non-empty string) to the KeePassHttp keepass entry got rid of these prompts - a thing also found reading the issues, not in the extension's description. Could you make a short list of KeePassHttp option and ChromeIPass (&PassIFox) keyboard shortcuts/tips, and put it in the extension's description or as a simple "help" in the extension's (now non-existing) options.