pfn / passifox

Extensions to allow Chrome and Firefox (4.0+) to auto form-fill passwords from KeePass (requires KeePassHttp)
GNU General Public License v3.0
903 stars 185 forks source link

chromeIPass issue with KeepassHttp - Windows 8.1 #337

Closed SuperITMan closed 8 years ago

SuperITMan commented 9 years ago


Since last update of keepasshttp, I cannot use combinaisons Ctrl + Shift + U for auto-complete. It doesn't do nothing. I have to enable auto-complete always option in chromeIPass. But sometimes I don't want auto-complete...

I'm on Windows 8.1 pro x64 and with before version of keepasshttp, it works normally.

Is it possible to find any solution ?

Thanks in advance for your answer,

Thank you very much for this utility ! :)



scardus commented 9 years ago

I have exactly the same issue - Everything works except the Ctrl + Shift + U or Ctrl + Shift + P auto-complete shortcuts...

Windows 8.1 Pro x84 Chrome v39.0.2171.95 m KeePass v2.28 KeePassHTTP v1.8.4 ChromeIPass v2.6.8


ragnarkarlsson commented 9 years ago

I to am experiencing this issue, exact same setup as scardus above.

clementko commented 9 years ago

I have the exact same issue after updated KeepassHttp to

chromePass icon always display question mark when the site is matched. Manually clicking the chromePass icon and select the entry(only 1) will send the user and password to the right field


tomsykes commented 9 years ago

I'm getting this in windows 7 too. Has only been since the move to 1.8.4

abhikush commented 9 years ago

I have this issue as well.

abhikush commented 9 years ago

This is probably the same as #347 and #341, which have been fixed (but latest version is not yet in chrome webstore)

SuperITMan commented 9 years ago

Many thanks for info abhikush ! :) It works perfectly !

I downloaded chromeipass directory on github -> and download as zip. Then I unziped the zip downloaded. Finally, I actived dev mode in Chrome and I "Load unpacked extension..." and I selected directory chromeipass.

Thanks to devs ! :)

primetime4x4 commented 9 years ago

This has been a source of frustration for awhile, but I found a workaround for the current published extension.

Use these keyboard shortcuts as replacements: ctrl+shift+F6 (user & password) ctrl+shift+F1 (password only)

References: c5d74cd javascript char codes

abhikush commented 9 years ago

Thank You primetime4x4. This works well.

pfn commented 8 years ago
