phampe68 / IMDBClone

A website with similar functionality to IMDB
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## About The Project [![Product Name Screen Shot][product-screenshot]]( A web application with similar functionality to IMDB. Keeps a mongoDB database of movie information. Supports users who can browse all information (movies, people, other users), adding movie reviews, contributing new movies, and following other people/users. Additionally, this website will generate: movie recommendations based on user's data, lists of similar movies for each movie, and frequent collaborators for each person. Note: ## See working demo Some screenshots of functionality: ![homePage]( ![addAndViewReviews]( ![loginPage]( ![movieInfo]( ![searchByGenre]( ### Built With - [Bootstrap]( - [node.js]( - [pug]( - [bootstrap5]( - [mongodb]( - [mongoose]( - [express]( ## Getting Started To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps. ### Prerequisites - node [Download Node.js and npm]( - npm ```sh npm install npm@latest -g ``` - mongodb [Download mongodb]( ### Installation 1. Clone the repo ```sh git clone ``` 2. Install NPM packages ```sh npm install ``` 3. Initialize the database (This can take a few minutes) ```sh node database/database-initializer.js ``` 4. Start the server ```sh node mainServer.js ``` ## Collaborators Peter Pham
Eric Stewart
Project Link: []( ## Acknowledgements Initialization script is based on professor Dave Mckenney's example initialization script. [product-screenshot]: ./images/IMDBCloneLogo.jpg