Open madan01 opened 8 years ago
@madan01 What is the response from downstream service ? Is it in JSON or is it encoding it to base64 ?
@phaneesh Response is JSON from downstream service. It is a simple nodejs server returning json.
@madan01 Can you create a gist for your node.js service code ? I cannot find any reference of base64 encoding in revolver and I am able to fetch the original response.
@phaneesh, It is available at Also I have dockerized the test node server.
When querying for response from messagebox, the result has data encoded in base64
Example: http://localhost:8080/revolver/v1/response/58e65822-977f-4f24-b20a-5ffd939838d5
ResultBody: "body": "eyJjdXN0b21lciI6eyJuYW1lIjoidGVzdF91c2VyXzIiLCJwaG9uZSI6OTk5OTk5OTksImVtYWlsIjoidGVzdF8yQHRlc3QuY29tIiwiY3VzdG9tZXJfdHlwZSI6InJlcGVhdCJ9fQ==", "statusCode": 200