phanrahan / magma

magma circuits
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`shallow=True` is still pretty slow. #422

Open hofstee opened 5 years ago

hofstee commented 5 years ago

For a 32x16 CGRA (~1MB Verilog file), it takes over 90 seconds to get through the parse step of magma. I really only want the top Garnet module's interface to be parsed. My workaround is to just regex search for module Garnet \([^)]*\); and tack on \nendmodule to it and DefineFromVerilog instead. This takes about 0.02 seconds.

Could we add the ability to parse headers only of just the modules listed in target_modules?

leonardt commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to share this verilog file so we can debug the performance?

Do you know if the issue is primarily in the pyverilog parsing step (text -> AST) or is it magma's processing of the AST?

hofstee commented 5 years ago

I believe it's pyverilog parsing. I'm not entirely sure how/when magma processes the AST but it wasn't showing up in my profiling. If the conversion of the AST to magma is calling pyverilog's parse then it could be. It's just the full 32x16 cgra from garnet. It's also 10MB not 1MB.

leonardt commented 5 years ago

Yea that makes sense, I think we need to look into using another parser. One option is to read the verilog into yosys, use the coreir backend, then parse the module interface from the coreir. I'll investigate how long it takes yosys to parse the verilog. Not sure if there's another open source parser with Python integration that is faster.

hofstee commented 5 years ago

If we're doing shallow parsing, we only need the modules specified in the target_modules right? So can't you just do something like

for mod in target_modules:
    magma.DefineFromVerilog("module {mod} \([^)]*\);(?s)*?endmodule"))
leonardt commented 5 years ago

Hmm, clever, I think there's still the issue where the types of the ports are declared in the body of the module, e.g.

module foo(a, b);
    input a;
    output b;
leonardt commented 5 years ago

But we could have an option for that if you know the module declaration is in the above form (does it handle newlines in the parameter list?)

rsetaluri commented 5 years ago

I think the two best options are (a) trying a new/better parser e.g. yosys, or (b) trying out the microgrammar approach (see

I really think the latter wouldn't be too hard and would be really useful.

However, to unblock yourself @THofstee you could definitely write a custom function to parse according to your regex rule if it functionally works.