php / doc-base

Tools for the PHP documentation
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Docoments update #150

Closed emover121 closed 1 month ago

emover121 commented 1 month ago

" Example additions to vimrc to check xml tags match up function! XMLsynCHK() let winnum =winnr() " get current window number silent make % cw 4 " open the error window if it contains error " return to the window with cursor set on the line of the first error (if any) execute winnum . "wincmd w" :redraw! endfunction au! BufWritePost *.xml call XMLsynCHK()

au FileType xml,docbk setlocal makeprg=/path/to/doc-base/scripts/xmllint.php au FileType xml,docbk setlocal errorformat=%m\ in\ %f\ on\ line\ %l