phpv8 / v8js

V8 Javascript Engine for PHP — This PHP extension embeds the Google V8 Javascript Engine
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Catching PHP Exceptions in Javascript? #144

Closed tahpot closed 9 years ago

tahpot commented 9 years ago

I regularly have JS code executing in V8 which calls PHP code. If that PHP code raises an exception, I want to catch the exception in Javascript.

Is that possible at all?

Here's some example Javascript:

try {
catch (err) {
  // do something in javascript
tahpot commented 9 years ago


stesie commented 9 years ago

Sorry for not answering earlier.

It definitely should be possible, but haven't tried yet. I wonder whether V8Js should provide a config option, enabling this behaviour. So the extension user can decide whether the exception should be escalated to JS side, and then back to PHP side (if JS doesn't catch) ... or directly to PHP

stesie commented 9 years ago

Stepping forward to implement this I stumbled over the fact, that JS execution continues even after the PHP exception was thrown.


class Foo {
    function throwException() {
        throw new \Exception("Test-Exception");

$v8 = new V8Js();
$v8->foo = new \Foo();

$JS = <<< EOT
try {;
    // the exception should abort further executing, hence
    // the print must not pop up
    print("after throwException\\n");
} catch(e) {
    // JS should not catch in default mode
    print("JS caught exception");

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {

The text "after throwException" currently appears, so probably not expected :-)

rosmo commented 9 years ago

Apparently Javascript execution continues, but any PHP-method won't be called. Strange.. I verified with an older version of V8Js that it's been "always" like that.

tahpot commented 9 years ago

Oh wow, you're right.

I've been having some weirdness going on which I hadn't investigated fully, but this would be the cause.

stesie commented 9 years ago

Hmm, tests/exception_propagation_2.phpt even relies on this. I'm currently a bit unsure on how to fix this...

So if we now make sure to immediately stop JS execution if a PHP exception is thrown, then ...

class Foo {
        private $v8 = NULL;

        public function __construct()
                $this->v8 = new V8Js(null, array(), array(), false);
                $this->v8->foo = $this;
                $this->v8->executeString('fooobar', 'throw_0');
                $this->v8->executeString('try {; } catch (e) { print(e + " caught!\n"); }', 'trycatch1');
                $this->v8->executeString('try {; } catch (e) { print(e + " caught!\n"); }', 'trycatch2');

        public function bar()
                echo "To Bar!\n";
                $this->v8->executeString('throw new Error();', 'throw_1');

try {
        $foo = new Foo();

... fails.

Besides this test also actually tests that the third executeString in __construct isn't called, since a PHP exception is now pending.

This leads me to some options

  1. consider the test borked, leave pending exception behaviour as before and terminate execution as described above
  2. throw pending exceptions only on out-most executeString level (so that might absorb pending exceptions)
  3. like 2, throw pending exceptions if further exceptions occur, otherwise don't
  4. in pending exception mode JS execution should not be terminated

I think options 2 to 4 might feel a bit magic to the user; I tend to pick option 1 ... what do you think?

This will get particularly funny if we throw PHP exceptions to JS; in the example above the JS-catch wouldn't get the expected Error thrown by bar, but the pending exception from a prior executeString call ... ... which again would be kindof magic to the user; hence should we only throw any other PHP exceptions to JS? What about other V8Js exceptions? e.g. V8 calls PHP code, that calls V8 code in turn, that causes some kind of script exception or timeout? Shall the JS code be able to see other V8 instances errors then?

I tend to accept this behaviour, if the implementor enables PHP->JS exception passing, any exception is passed, even unhandled pending ones

enough stuff for discussion, what do you think? @tahpot, @rosmo and others?

stesie commented 9 years ago

and another question: how to propagate the exception at best? Simply convert any exception to an Error object, run getMessage on the Exception object and simply propagate the message? Or better prepend some text like "PHP Exception:"? Export the complete exception object to JS, so further method calls on it are possible? And if JS doesn't catch the exception, what then? Throw simply ScriptException? Or a ScriptException and attach the original exception as previous exception?

tahpot commented 9 years ago

and another question: how to propagate the exception at best?

I think it's best to replicate the information available in the PHP exception as much as possible.

Unsure if this is possible, but something like follows would be nice:

  1. PHP exception occurs
  2. In JS, a new exception is thrown of type PHPError. This is a JS error object that matches as closely as possible the underlying PHP Exception. Alternatively PHPError just has the same message as the PHP Exception and stores the PHP Exception object within it as a variable "PhpException".
  3. If the PHPError is uncaught in JS, throw a ScriptException.
  4. If a JSError is uncaught (as is the case at this point in execution), can ScriptException have a new method getJSError()?
tahpot commented 9 years ago

As per your propagation questions, I'm still trying to get my head around it...

the problem occurs if immediate exception propagation is disabled

What is the use case for disabling exception propagation? That's unclear to me, which makes it difficult to consider the most appropriate solution.

What about other V8Js exceptions? e.g. V8 calls PHP code, that calls V8 code in turn, that causes some kind of script exception or timeout? Shall the JS code be able to see other V8 instances errors then?

I've run into this quite a bit and vote yes. Ideally you want the most accurate as possible history of exceptions otherwise debugging becomes very painful and it limits your ability to properly handle exceptions.

stesie commented 9 years ago

@tahpot I don't really know what disabled exception reporting is really good for, after all this behaviour can easily be achieved by wrapping the executeString method calls with try/catch blocks (after all you need error handling no matter what). It just was around when I took over maintainership.

@rosmo maybe you can tell why it was implemented?

rosmo commented 9 years ago

@stesie, I can't really recall... probably for some sort of compatibility stuff. Obviously it's correct to stop the JS execution on exception, but I would like this to be configurable (by default on is good) to keep things for breaking on our end.

stesie commented 9 years ago

@rosmo I'm not sure if it's a good idea to keep all stuff, that was around once, forever.

Currently V8Js has no stuff marked as deprecated, and I agree that we need to have backwards compatibility for some time. But not forever, especially if it was marked as deprecated for a while.

Stuff that comes to my mind immediately

I consider publishing V8Js in 0.3.x version with PHP 7 compatibility only and all that stuff removed. And leaving 0.2.x around with PHP 5.x support and those features, but marked deprecated

rosmo commented 9 years ago

@stesie, Yeah, that seems like a decent plan to me.