phpv8 / v8js

V8 Javascript Engine for PHP — This PHP extension embeds the Google V8 Javascript Engine
MIT License
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natives_blob.bin... not found, Please provide V8 native blob as needed #216

Closed anhkhoi closed 8 years ago

anhkhoi commented 8 years ago

As report title, I'm trying to install php v8js on my mac os. The command as below: cd ~ mkdir tmp && cd tmp git clone -b master cd v8js phpize ./configure CXXFLAGS="-Wno-c++11-narrowing" make make test make install

But I'm doing at step ./configure. The command throw errors. checking for natives_blob.bin... not found configure: error: Please provide V8 native blob as needed

Any solution for me? Thanks.

stesie commented 8 years ago

Did you compile your V8 with external snapshot support? If so, then it should have created natives_blob.bin file and V8Js can't find that file.

Otherwise it might be a general compilation error. Please consult config.log file for details.

If you need further assistance, please attach the config.log file here, or put it somewhere on pastebin

ghost commented 8 years ago

@stesie I'm guessing v8 was installed via brew. Here's the formula:

I'm not too familiar with V8, but is this relevant? (line 70)

anhkhoi commented 8 years ago

@stesie My config.log at here Please take a look

anhkhoi commented 8 years ago

@fterragna Yes, I used brew to install v8 and consult the setup guide at this page

pinepain commented 8 years ago

Here is homebrew recipe to install v8 with icu and snapshots without external blobs.

# Track Chrome stable.
class V8 < Formula
  desc "Google's JavaScript engine"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "82735971991c5500688bdf32cda88917a72ba823d4e1992552b92e8644cfac05"
  head ""

  bottle do
    cellar :any

  option "with-readline", "Use readline instead of libedit"

  # not building on Snow Leopard:
  depends_on :macos => :lion

  depends_on :python => :build # gyp doesn't run under 2.6 or lower
  depends_on "readline" => :optional
  depends_on "icu4c" => :recommended

  needs :cxx11

  # Update from "DEPS" file in tarball.

  # resources definition, do not edit, autogenerated

  resource "mozilla-tests" do
    url "",
    :revision => "f6c578a10ea707b1a8ab0b88943fe5115ce2b9be"

  resource "buildtools" do
    url "",
    :revision => "14288a03a92856fe1fc296d39e6a25c2d83cd6cf"

  resource "ecmascript_simd" do
    url "",
    :revision => "c8ef63c728283debc25891123eb00482fee4b8cd"

  resource "googlemock" do
    url "",
    :revision => "0421b6f358139f02e102c9c332ce19a33faf75be"

  resource "clang" do
    url "",
    :revision => "96f43fa6c1232981bc401c0b6f2e2697a318356b"

  resource "googletest" do
    url "",
    :revision => "6f8a66431cb592dad629028a50b3dd418a408c87"

  resource "common" do
    url "",
    :revision => "e40c41030f44cbd5b6f54081436620f43c3bb08a"

  resource "benchmarks" do
    url "",
    :revision => "05d7188267b4560491ff9155c5ee13e207ecd65f"

  resource "gyp" do
    url "",
    :revision => "61259d585ce99d9de8b35188cd0025bdbcb58411"

  resource "test262" do
    url "",
    :revision => "57d3e2216fa86ad63b6c0a54914ba9dcbff96003"

  resource "swarming" do
    url "",
    :revision => "df6e95e7669883c8fe9ef956c69a544154701a49"

  resource "icu" do
    url "",
    :revision => "e466f6ac8f60bb9697af4a91c6911c6fc4aec95f"

  def install
    # Bully GYP into correctly linking with c++11
    ENV["GYP_DEFINES"] = "clang=1 mac_deployment_target=#{MacOS.version}"
    ENV.append "GYP_DEFINES", "v8_use_external_startup_data=0"

    if build.with? "icu4c"
      ENV.append "GYP_DEFINES", "use_system_icu=1"
      i18nsupport = "i18nsupport=on"
      i18nsupport = "i18nsupport=off"

    # fix up libv8.dylib install_name
    inreplace "tools/gyp/v8.gyp",
              "'OTHER_LDFLAGS': ['-dynamiclib', '-all_load']",
              "\\0, 'DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE': '#{opt_lib}'"

    # resources installation, do not edit, autogenerated
    (buildpath/"test/mozilla/data").install resource("mozilla-tests")
    (buildpath/"buildtools").install resource("buildtools")
    (buildpath/"test/simdjs/data").install resource("ecmascript_simd")
    (buildpath/"testing/gmock").install resource("googlemock")
    (buildpath/"tools/clang").install resource("clang")
    (buildpath/"testing/gtest").install resource("googletest")
    (buildpath/"base/trace_event/common").install resource("common")
    (buildpath/"test/benchmarks/data").install resource("benchmarks")
    (buildpath/"build/gyp").install resource("gyp")
    (buildpath/"test/test262/data").install resource("test262")
    (buildpath/"tools/swarming_client").install resource("swarming")
    (buildpath/"third_party/icu").install resource("icu")

    system "make", "native", "library=shared", "snapshot=on",
                   "console=readline", i18nsupport,

    include.install Dir["include/*"]

    cd "out/native" do
      rm ["libgmock.a", "libgtest.a"]
      lib.install Dir["lib*"]
      bin.install "d8", "mksnapshot", "process", "shell" => "v8"

  test do
    assert_equal "Hello World!", pipe_output("#{bin}/v8 -e 'print(\"Hello World!\")'").chomp
alextartan commented 8 years ago

I bumped into the same error on ubuntu15. Any hints on how to get it working?

pinepain commented 8 years ago

@alextartan On ubuntu you can use my ppa - It's mostly experimental but may do the job.

alextartan commented 8 years ago

@pinepain Nope, no luck. (some context: I've built the latest v8, continued with your instructions and when i ran ./configure, it gave me that error about natives blob:

checking for V8 version... 5.1.117 checking for libv8_libplatform.a... found in /usr checking whether V8 requires startup data... yes checking for natives_blob.bin... not found configure: error: Please provide V8 native blob as needed

Note: I do have /opt/google/chrome/natives_blob.bin (403KB). Is this what the script is looking for? Is it even the same file or just name coincidence? If it is the correct one, how can I point the script to it?

stesie commented 8 years ago

The point is that ./configure now tries to "guess" whether V8 requires natives_blob.bin file to run. Generally you can compile V8 with internal and external startup data (or no snapshot support at all).

./configure simply tries to run V8 without startup data, if that doesn't work, then it assumes that those blobs are needed. If it can't find any, it bails out. The problem however is, that if V8 doesn't work for whatever else reason then the error message is misleading.

As to config.log by @anhkhoi, the problem is

configure:5108: checking whether V8 requires startup data
configure:5155: g++ -o conftest -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include -std=c++11 -I/usr/local -L/usr/local/lib conftest.cpp -lv8 /usr/local/lib/libv8_libbase.a >&5
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "v8::platform::CreateDefaultPlatform(int)", referenced from:
      _main in conftest-169e3d.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
configure:5155: $? = 1
configure: program exited with status 1

... not that V8 itself compiles but complains about missing startup data. It doesn't even link, because the linker cannot resolve CreateDefaultPlatform method.

@alextartan no, that's not the file it's looking for. Google Chrome ships its own version of V8 that obviously requires external startup data. But you don't linke against that V8 library, but the one by @pinepain. And as far as I know he doesn't compile with external startup data (but internal). Please provide your config.log file as well or have a look for the errors below "checking whether V8 requires startup data" yourself

stesie commented 8 years ago

@anhkhoi @fterragna I suppose there is an issue with config.m4, which overwrites a variable it shouldn't (which only triggers on MacOS where it has to link against two extra files).

Please try patching your config.m4 files like this, then run phpize and configure again:

diff --git a/config.m4 b/config.m4
index f721165..63a86f4 100644
--- a/config.m4
+++ b/config.m4
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ int main ()

+    LDFLAGS_libplatform=""
     for static_link_extra_file in $static_link_extra; do
       AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $static_link_extra_file])

@@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ int main ()
         AC_MSG_ERROR([Please provide $static_link_extra_file next to the, see for details])

-      LDFLAGS_libplatform="$static_link_dir/$static_link_extra_file"
+      LDFLAGS_libplatform="$LDFLAGS_libplatform $static_link_dir/$static_link_extra_file"

     # modify flags for (possibly) succeeding V8 startup check
alextartan commented 8 years ago

@stesie This is my config.log (ran v8 make again just before the v8js) Both are, as indicate, located in /tmp.

I also have libv8-5.1 installed from the PPA

sudo apt-get install libv8-5.1* libv8-5.1-d8 is already the newest version. libv8-5.1-dbg is already the newest version. libv8-5.1-dev is already the newest version. libv8-5.1.117 is already the newest version.

anhkhoi commented 8 years ago

@stesie Thank for your config.m4 patching. It's working for me.

stesie commented 8 years ago

@alextartan the critical part from the logfile is

configure:4952: checking whether V8 requires startup data
configure:4999: g++ -o conftest -g -O2 -I/usr/include -std=c++11 -I/usr -Wl,--rpath=/usr/lib -L/usr/lib conftest.cpp -lv8 /usr/lib/libv8_libplatform.a >&5
conftest.cpp: In function 'int main()':
conftest.cpp:38:27: error: 'struct v8::Isolate::CreateParams' has no member named 'array_buffer_allocator'
             create_params.array_buffer_allocator = &array_buffer_allocator;
configure:4999: $? = 1
configure: program exited with status 1

So configure picks up V8 from /usr (as expected, which probably is @pinepain version), it even detects it is a 5.1 version line. Yet it has a v8.h header file that doesn't have array_buffer_allocator declared (which @pinepain dev-package amd64 for Ubuntu wily has however).

Hence, please check /usr/include/v8.h file, it should declare a struct CreateParams which has a array_buffer_allocator field.

  struct CreateParams {
        : entry_hook(NULL),
          array_buffer_allocator(NULL) {}

if it doesn't you most probably have an old version lingering around, from whichever source

stesie commented 8 years ago

@anhkhoi thanks for the feedback, just merged it to master. Will push a release with the fix soon.

Jiri-Mihal commented 8 years ago

I had the same issue on macOS Sierra and PHP 5.6, installation without Homebrew. I just copied missing files and problem was solved.

cp /tmp/v8/out/native/natives_blob.bin /usr/local/lib/ cp /tmp/v8/out/native/snapshot_blob.bin /usr/local/lib/

I hope it will be helpful for somebody.