phug-php / phug

Phug - The Pug Template Engine for PHP
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`cacheFileIfChanged` and related functions in documentation are missing info #60

Closed BananaAcid closed 4 years ago

BananaAcid commented 4 years ago


I encountered an issue with the following documentation:

I am not sure, what the params are, the documentation is pretty scarce on this bunch of functions.

Clarification would be great.


kylekatarnls commented 4 years ago


Complete API reference for parameters and return types is here:

As you can see it takes just a string:

$renderer->cacheFileIfChanged('views/page.pug'); // will be cached if change since the last time it was cached
// Can also be called with the facade:
// Phug::cacheFileIfChanged('views/page.pug');
BananaAcid commented 4 years ago

I tried a lot, and tried to understand the API docs, but I believe some more exemplary documentation on the front page could help people to get going easier.

Some example like this maybe: (I am not entirely sure, the cached file is actually used, or what is actually cached - I believe the compiled pug without the data. )

include_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
Phug::setOptions(['cache_dir' => sys_get_temp_dir() ]);
Phug::displayFile('../src/pug/index.pug', ["data" => json_decode(file_get_contents(...)) ]);
kylekatarnls commented 4 years ago

You don't need to call cacheFileIfChanged if you're using the option 'cache_dir' then displayFile will cache the result automatically, as described in the option documentation:

An example with 'cache_dir' is also provided in the displayFile section:

BananaAcid commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the clarification.

The info is too scattered, It is quite confusing. "This option is automatically handled when you use framework " made me think, I would need to use any of these cacheFile* functions.

It would be great, having these anchor links in the documentation, e.g. options being linked to the options example it is referring to.