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Pinging the ports, Iranian users #8

Open PiNetworkMarket opened 4 years ago

PiNetworkMarket commented 4 years ago

Dear Dr. Kokkalis,

The below message is what we have received from an Iranian pioneer.

Quote “After releasing your node software, all Iranian pioneers have faced a strange problem related to ports opening section. Although the Network Engineers like me, hase done whole steps for configuring Node software on their computers, like opening ports on firewall, Port forwarding and so on, the problem has not solved yet. Until 2 days ago, I have decided to look at the backend of Pi’s node communications ports and IP’s. To summarize, I will go straight and refer you to an IP Address that has been blocked to access Iran’s IP ranges. Clients in Iran can reach all of IP addresses that Pi need to connect and communicate like, except For more explanation, this IP address cannot service Clients in Iran. As you know this IP address must initiate sessions with announced destination ports (31400-31409) in “pinging your computer” stage after two previous stages (Downloading ports listener and starting ports listener).Based on my research and troubleshooting , the third step (pinging your computers) will not pass just because of sanctions that forced companies to not service Iran’s IP ranges. That is why I think this IP ( cannot check which ports are open in Client. Because of Sanctions, I have decide to install and configure Mikrotik VPN Server, located in US, just for bypassing sanctions by hiding my IP address. Since then, I clicked “check now” and all the steps in opening router ports got green sign. In conclusion, I believe that the problem is related to the IP address that I have mentioned it. So, just eliminate any somewhat deny policies from your server (for example any restriction policy that has filtered Iranian IP addresses) and then you can see that how many Pioneers can connect to your Node Test-net Stage from my country.

Kinds regards,” Unquote

Many are stuck at the last part, the “Pinging your computer”. Although I must say, many were able to install the Tech Package with no issues at all. There must be something about Pi network end or the Docker. FYI the Pi app on Iranian mobile phones has the same issue. 30-35% of the pioneers must use VPN to use the pi application (all from Android version). Is there a correlation between the app problem and the Node? You’re the only one who can answer.

Appreciate your efforts and looking forward to your reply.

Aurion PiNetworkMarket


sistalleno commented 4 years ago

Thank you Aurion for informing the CT our pioneers problems with Node and the package configurations. 🙏🙏🙏 Sistalleno, PNM

Rta92 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for reporting our problem to the Pi Core Team👍🏼

barkat0300 commented 3 years ago

thank you pi core team

sworaaj commented 3 years ago

Same problem from Nepal. unable to ping