picadoh / mockserver-client-net

.NET Core / C# Fluent API for interacting with Mock-Server
MIT License
23 stars 14 forks source link
csharp dotnet dotnetcore lib mock mock-server mocking mockserverclient mockserverclientnet testing

Build Status NuGet version License: MIT

C# Fluent API for interacting with Mock-Server targeting .netstandard2.0.

This client, available at MockServerClientNet Repository, is written in C# and based on the original Java client Fluent API, available at Mock-Server Repository. Thanks to its authors for their contributions to open-source. I am not an author of the mentioned Java client and this client is not part of the official Mock-Server clients.

For users

NuGet Package

Get the latest version from NuGet Gallery or run the following command:

dotnet add package MockServerClientNet


Refer to Usage Samples for examples on how to use the Fluent API.

To start an instance of Mock-Server using Docker:

docker run -d --rm --name mockserver -p 1080:1080 mockserver/mockserver

For more details on using the Docker image, check the official Mock-Server documentation.

For contributors


dotnet build


The below command will run the integration tests against a local running instance of Mock-Server.

dotnet test

Use the following environment variables to change the target instance of the tests:

How to Contribute

Please take a look at CONTRIBUTING for details.