picodotdev / alis

Arch Linux Install Script (or alis, also known as the Arch Linux executable installation guide and wiki) installs an unattended, automated and customized Arch Linux system.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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LVM=true requires auto partition prevent use of custom partition #136

Closed BigAl closed 3 years ago

BigAl commented 3 years ago

I am attempting to use custom partition with LVM=true

Is there any reason these for these line forces auto partitioning with using LVM ?


I commented them out and my custom partition install appear to go ok.

picodotdev commented 3 years ago

A safe ckeck. No tested that use case.

Maybe I should include this same condition


for these remove and create actions


picodotdev commented 3 years ago

Implemented, removed the restriction, in current state the volume group and volume logical names are not configurable (in alis.conf, should be edited alis.sh internal varaibles).