In a table I whose data I need to access semicolons are contained in string fields and the current version of RSAPReadTable yields a wrong output.
Having looked into the code of RSAPReadTable the problem seems to be the choice of semicolon as the delimiter. If I understand the RFC_READ_TABLE correctly, there is no option to have the field content enquoted.
As a workaround one could use a more obscure character such as "‡" as the delimiter.
In a table I whose data I need to access semicolons are contained in string fields and the current version of RSAPReadTable yields a wrong output.
Having looked into the code of RSAPReadTable the problem seems to be the choice of semicolon as the delimiter. If I understand the RFC_READ_TABLE correctly, there is no option to have the field content enquoted.
As a workaround one could use a more obscure character such as "‡" as the delimiter.