pierucci / heemod

:chart_with_upwards_trend:Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations
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Print warnings/errors in DSA #160

Closed KZARCA closed 7 years ago

KZARCA commented 7 years ago
pierucci commented 7 years ago

This is not possible when DSA is defined. Indeed because parameters and DSA specification are unevaluated expressions, they do not have a value yet, and thus cannot be compared.

I see 2 solutions:

  1. Throw an error at DSA evaluation by checking the eval_parameter object against the reference object. This is not trivial because it implies re-writing a lot of the internal code in eval_strategy_newdata to include those additional checks, all that for a dubious benefit.
  2. Do nothing, the user will see that the results are wrong (actually the results are not wrong, they just do not make sense. This is an important difference because a user might get fooled by wrong results, on the other hand an user who does not notice results that do not make sense is the only one to blame).

I vote strongly for number 2.