pietern / goestools

Tools to work with signals and files from GOES satellites
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Update for Goestools to recieve GOES-18 and Himawari-9 #122

Closed creinemann closed 2 years ago

creinemann commented 2 years ago

A few sections of goestools need to be updated to allow the creation of imagery files from the upcoming GOES-T (GOES-18) which should be transitting HRIT by Jan 3 2023.
src/goesproc/handler_goesr.cc may need to be updated to reflect GOES-18 as well

  // encoded in the ancillary data field.
  auto nlh = f->getHeader<lrit::NOAALRITHeader>();
  if (nlh.productID != 16 && nlh.productID != 17 && nlh.productID != 18 ) {

In addition to changes to the code, an additional handler in the conf file will be needed as well an example of a portion of a "GOES-18" handler:

# Store all original GOES-18 products.
type = "image"
origin = "goes18"
directory = "./goes18/{region:short|lower}/{channel:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
filename = "GOES18_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
format = "jpg"
json = false

  path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"

  path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"

Himawari 9 transition from Himawari 8 WAS scheduled for April 2022, but has been pushed to December 2022, Again, some updates need to be made, such as src/goesproc/handler_himawari8.cc It is not known as of yet if the NOAA LRIT header file will remain '43' or be changed.

Again an update to the users conf file would be needed such as:

# Images relayed from Himawari-9 Sched to be Primary 12/2022.
type = "image"
origin = "himawari9"
directory = "./himawari9/{region:short|lower}/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
filename = "Himawari9_{region:short}_{channel:short}_{time:%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ}"
format = "jpg"
json = false

  path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes.json"

  path = "/usr/share/goestools/ne/ne_50m_admin_1_states_provinces_lakes.json"
creinemann commented 2 years ago

@pietern If I can help in any way, let me know. Just not a proficient coder!

pietern commented 2 years ago

@creinemann I can make the changes needed for GOES-18. But I'd like to confirm the productID for GOES-17 first. If this is 16 for all GOES-R series satellites and some other product uses 18, making the change could crash goesproc on new payloads. The actual filtering on satellite is done a bit further down: https://github.com/pietern/goestools/blob/9ca85c81784bc3b1f7e5ff409c4133eb16a3116a/src/goesproc/handler_goesr.cc#L409-L417

If you have an active GOES-17 receiver, could you capture a couple minutes worth of packets and send them to me?

The packets will include GOES-17 LRIT files for me to check their productID.

Thanks in advance.

pietern commented 2 years ago

You can capture packets with:

goespackets --subscribe [ADDRESS] --record

After a few minutes you can press Ctrl-C to interrupt and stop the capture.

creinemann commented 2 years ago

Sent some GOES-17 packets just now via email.


pietern commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @creinemann!

To process these, I first ran goeslrit on the packets:

goeslrit --out /tmp/lrit --all /tmp/packets*

The list of LRIT files include a bunch of EMWIN data, some DCS, and GOES-17 ABI L2 product files, for example: OR_ABI-L2-CMIPF-M6C09_G17_s20220742100321_e20220742109393_c20220742109456_000.lrit.

To inspect that, I ran lritdump on that file:

lritdump /tmp/lrit/OR_ABI-L2-CMIPF-M6C09_G17_s20220742100321_e20220742109393_c20220742109456_000.lrit

And got the following output: https://gist.github.com/pietern/474b1efaf9cb2febbad59a62838ab237

What I was looking for is the ProductID under the NOAA LRIT header. The value here is 17 and that implies (to me) that NOAA sets this to be equal to the satellite ID. This in turn means that 18 and 19 need to be added to the list of allowed product IDs. This first filtering step happens early to reject all LRIT files that are not GOES-R series image data.

The second filtering step filters on a specific satellite, product, region, and channel. This step uses the information in the ancillary text header (where, for example, the satellite is specified as Satellite = G17;).