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Create a New Board from within a Board #73

Open scholary-tim opened 11 years ago

scholary-tim commented 11 years ago

If I'm already viewing a board, it'd be handy to have a menu link to create a new board in a new window.

lloydwatkin commented 11 years ago

What's the use case here @tjdurden ? Its easy enough to do, just wondering why :)

scholary-tim commented 11 years ago

If I'm viewing a board, perhaps a read-only board, or a board that contains lots of information that I only want a segment of, I want to quickly create a new board, so I can extract what I need from the board I'm currently viewing.

I know I can go to the website to create a new board, but was looking for an option to do it from within an existing board, e.g Settings -> Board Settings -> Create A New Board... some popup... then bang.. new window, clean board.