pion / rtwatch

Watch videos with friends using WebRTC, let the server do the pausing and seeking.
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Build docker images #41

Open pwFoo opened 3 years ago

pwFoo commented 3 years ago


I tried to build a docker image / dockerfile. Build and start works fine.

FROM    golang:alpine

RUN     apk --update --no-cache add \
        gst-plugins-base-dev \
        gstreamer-dev \
        build-base \

#RUN    go get github.com/pion/rtwatch

WORKDIR /rtwatch

ARG     REPO=https://github.com/pion/rtwatch.git
ARG     BRANCH=master

RUN     echo -e "GIT Repo: $REPO\nGIT Branch: $BRANCH"

RUN     git clone https://github.com/pion/rtwatch.git --progress --verbose --branch $BRANCH /rtwatch

RUN     sed -i 's#ws://#wss://#g' main.go

RUN     go install

FROM    alpine:latest

RUN     apk --update --no-cache add \
        gst-plugins-good \ 
        gst-plugins-ugly \
        gst-plugins-bad \

COPY    --from=0 /go/bin/rtwatch /usr/local/bin/rtwatch

ENTRYpoint      [ "/usr/local/bin/rtwatch" ]
CMD             [ "-container-path", "/data/video.mp4" ]
LordBrain commented 3 months ago

I know this is several years old, but I can not get the container to work. It gets to the loading of the video and sits there like in #38. I have a video with audio set as video.mp4. I am just at a lost for getting this to work. Any ideas?

Sean-Der commented 3 months ago

@LordBrain the issue is probably networking. Are you able to run it directly?

—net=host is useful if running on Linux. WSL has mirrored networking which works well.

MacOS is a little more frustrating networking wise