I cannot find find a way, and docs don't seem to suggest its possible, but is there a way to chain searches?
Simple example:
I have a table with active and geo columns. Both BooleanColumn and work with external button searching on true/false/null. All work fine however it builds query like Q(active=True) OR Q(geo=True).
Is there a way to override default and get Q(active=True) AND Q(geo=True)? So that I am able to see active rows that also have geo.
I cannot find find a way, and docs don't seem to suggest its possible, but is there a way to chain searches?
Simple example: I have a table with active and geo columns. Both BooleanColumn and work with external button searching on true/false/null. All work fine however it builds query like Q(active=True) OR Q(geo=True).
Is there a way to override default and get Q(active=True) AND Q(geo=True)? So that I am able to see active rows that also have geo.