pixeltris / YgoMaster

Offline Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
MIT License
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Decks are gone? #412

Closed biglennee closed 1 month ago

biglennee commented 1 month ago

I was playing just fine, then for no apparent reason they've just disappeared. Loading them from file works, sort of, but the load screen is now infinite. image

pixeltris commented 1 month ago

If you could provide steps on how to reproduce this I can look into it.

biglennee commented 1 month ago

No idea, just between games I went to the deck editor and it looked like this, and has done ever since. If I click back and forth into it eventually the menu buttons and things overlap and it gets all sorts of odd. Going to the public deck search and back removes everything bar the back button instead.

I have tried the steps in the fix issues part with updating localData and localSave and such, but yeah it all just doesn't seem to change anything.

pixeltris commented 1 month ago

Is this when using the live mods? https://github.com/pixeltris/YgoMaster/blob/master/Docs/LiveMods.md

I can't think of any screen in the regular YgoMaster which shows the card database icon in the top right. I can't seem to produce this error in either the live mod or the offline version though. If you're able to create a list of steps to reproduce it I'll take a look.

biglennee commented 1 month ago

image This is the goofier version, but yeah I have no idea how it happened. I don't have any mods on, though they do look fun I only just started with this a few days ago. Is there an easy way I can just restart everything and start over and hope that works?

pixeltris commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure tbh. Maybe try downloading YgoMaster again and see if that version doesn't have problems? If it doesn't you might need to download the game from scratch possibly. Hard to advise as it isn't something I've seen before.

biglennee commented 1 month ago

Understandable, I tried full redoing YgoMaster and it seems that didn't work either so there must be something else to it. I'll give the whole thing a reinstall and see how that goes. I should also note that while going over the YgoMaster filesdidn't seem to be fix problem, Master Duel runs totally fine, too. Not sure what that means but there is that.

biglennee commented 1 month ago

Reinstalling Master Duel and redoing everything from 0 worked.