pixijs / lights

Adds dynamic lighting via deferred shading to PixiJS
MIT License
198 stars 29 forks source link

What is current state of light plugins? #44

Closed krystofmatejka closed 3 years ago

krystofmatejka commented 3 years ago

Hello guys, I'm completely lost. What is current state of the light plugins? Is it possible to achive something like this https://pixijs.io/pixi-lights/demo/index.html in pixi v5?

Thank you very much.

bigtimebuddy commented 3 years ago

Please add an issue on the pixi-lights repo as this is relevant just to that project. Pixi-lights is a plugin maintained mostly by @ivanpopelyshev and is not part of the core repo, so it gets less attention and likely needs to be updated. If someone out there is interested in helping to maintain that project let us know.

ShukantPal commented 3 years ago

@bigtimebuddy We can always transfer issues within the PixiJS organization :)

bigtimebuddy commented 3 years ago

Did not know that! Thanks @SukantPal. I don't see that on the GH app. Will check it out on desktop.

krystofmatejka commented 3 years ago

So what I observed: