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Convolutional Neural Networks
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Output tensor of the Tiny-Yolo #1129

Open erivera1802 opened 6 years ago

erivera1802 commented 6 years ago

Hi , I have succesfully tested the Tiny.Yolo net, now Im trying to use the pb file from it in a tensorflow code. however, I dont understand the output of the network. I got an Output tensor with dimensions: [1,13,13,425], I know that 13 is the dimension of the grid,and the 425 represents the bounding boxes and probabilities, but how is the exact distribution of the values in the last dimension (The one with 425 numbers), I mean, what values are size, position or confidence?

ngochieu642 commented 5 years ago

i guess this is how it works: 425 = 5(5+80), 5 = 4+1 -> 4 is the bounding box info, 1 is the objectness score, 80 is the number of COCO's class, it means that at every gird, 5 box are predicted, each box has (4+1+C) infomation