pjreddie / darknet

Convolutional Neural Networks
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Tiny-YOLO ported to OpenCL ! #238

Open spedagadi opened 6 years ago

spedagadi commented 6 years ago

@pjreddie , thanks to this excellent work. I am quite excited to share that tiny-yolo inference engine has been ported to work on opencl hardware. See my project @ https://github.com/sat8/YoloOCLInference.git . Would be great to hear any comments/feedback. thnx

pilattebe commented 6 years ago

Link is broken

junglewreck commented 6 years ago

+1 wrong link

santo4ul commented 6 years ago

wrong link, please post correct link

santo4ul commented 6 years ago


This links works..

sowson commented 5 years ago

My project had some issues but now seams to the most of them have been solved at https://github.com/sowson/darknet it is Darknet in OpenCL... that works! :D. I am looking for contributor who help with pull request that add Windows setup possibility.