pkill37 / linuxify

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Option to use MacPorts (as well as other package managers) #9

Open ylluminarious opened 5 years ago

ylluminarious commented 5 years ago

It would be nice if this script could use MacPorts instead of Homebrew. Or other package managers, too; including Fink, Nix, pkgsrc, etc. I've found that MacPorts has a significant number of usages and areas in which it is superior to Homebrew. Other package managers are also tailored for special paradigms. It would be nice if people who use this script could use it with their preferred package manager, rather than being forced to use Homebrew.

pkill37 commented 5 years ago

For a while I considered using other package managers for this project, but I settled on brew because it was more popular and it meant I didn't have to invest a lot of time researching and testing the other package managers.

This would be a cool nice-to-have, but I honestly don't have the time to do this by myself. If I could get some help, I might reconsider.

However I'd be willing to rewrite the script for another (single) package manager, but only if there are significant advantages to it. Do you have an opinion on that? Which is the best package manager and why?

ylluminarious commented 5 years ago

@fabiomaia I think there could be significant advantages to any of the aforementioned package managers, depending on your use-case. I hesitate to say which is "best" because what's best for me might not be best for someone else. Rather, I'd like to do some light compare-and-contrast to show which ones might be best for which use-case and why. And then I'd also like to say which is best in my experience.

All in all, this is coming from someone who converted to MacPorts after being a long-time Homebrew user (and contributor). MacPorts is just much more user-oriented in my opinion; it cares about making a user happy and gives him more control to do so. Homebrew is more concerned about making you not shoot yourself in the foot, because that's too big of a headache for the maintainers. But MacPorts has gone along just fine while rejecting this somewhat apathetic philosophy of Homebrew and MacPorts is still quite active.

So, in my opinion, MacPorts is the best package manager for OS X. But I can see where other package managers like Fink, Nix, and pkgsrc can have usefulness and desirability. Unfortunately, I really don't see where Homebrew offers advantages over these other solutions. The only thing where it seems to have an advantage is that it's written in Ruby, but with so many APIs being removed constantly and in light of the fact that MacPorts uses Tcl which is a very comparable & nice language, this too seems to not be a big advantage. Also, the use of Ruby makes Homebrew noticeably slower than the competition. Sadly, Homebrew seems to have really been a champion in marketing and not much else. And this is coming from someone for whom Homebrew was his bread & butter!

Sorry for the long wall of text! But in all fairness, you asked a very loaded question xD

pkill37 commented 5 years ago

That was very enlightening. I am inclined to agree with you that MacPorts is better and Homebrew only won because of marketing.

But there is something to be said about popularity. For example just now I was looking into using Time Out, but it's not available on MacPorts. In fact I can't even seem to find Chrome or Firefox. Does it only distribute open-source or CLI software or something?

ylluminarious commented 5 years ago

@fabiomaia Yes, both MacPorts & Homebrew only distribute open-source software. To quote from Homebrew's docs (emphasis added):

Our policy is that formulae in the core tap (homebrew/core) must be open-source and either built from source or produce cross-platform binaries (e.g. Java, Mono). Binary-only formulae should go to Homebrew Cask.

And to quote from MacPorts' homepage (emphasis added):

The MacPorts Project is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading either command-line, X11 or Aqua based open-source software on the Mac operating system. To that end we provide the command-line driven MacPorts software package under a 3-Clause BSD License, and through it easy access to thousands of ports that greatly simplify the task of compiling and installing open-source software on your Mac.

The reason being (I think) is to avoid legal complications and to prevent from distributing malware or other questionable software. Plus, these package managers fill a niche. It's not like there are a whole awful lot of solutions for easily installing open-source software on a Mac. So distributing proprietary software just isn't a concern for anyone here. After all, the App Store & MacUpdate exist for a reason ;)

I think (although don't quote me on this) that the other package managers also avoid proprietary software, or that if they do ship it, then it is exceptional. In fact, the only package manager for OS X which I know of that distributes proprietary software is Homebrew Cask which is not part of the Homebrew Core and is somewhat of a separate package manager (although it's included with Homebrew's installation).

pkill37 commented 5 years ago

Lately (#19) Homebrew has been getting on my nerves. The install locations are an always changing confusing clusterfuck, there are seemingly unnecessary cascades of symlinks, and the caveats info is inconsistent and usually out-of-date. Maybe it's just me (doesn't help that I don't know Ruby thus reading the source doesn't give all the answers), but it is not easy to understand and it makes it really frustrating to maintain what should be a very simple script like this.

@ylluminarious Is MacPorts simpler and more consistent in this respect? I've only read a little bit, but the install page seems to indicate that it is much simpler.

You will need to manually adapt your shell's environment to work with MacPorts and your chosen installation prefix (the value passed to configure's --prefix flag, defaulting to /opt/local):

Add ${prefix}/bin and ${prefix}/sbin to the start of your PATH environment variable so that MacPorts-installed programs take precedence over system-provided programs of the same name. If a standard MANPATH environment variable already exists (that is, one that doesn't contain any empty components), add the ${prefix}/share/man path to it so that MacPorts-installed man pages are found by your shell. For Tiger and earlier only, add an appropriate X11 DISPLAY environment variable to run X11-dependent programs, as Leopard takes care of this requirement on its own.

@ylluminarious As a MacPorts fan and ex-Homebrew contributor, do you think MacPorts wins in this department? If so I'm all in.

ylluminarious commented 5 years ago

@fabiomaia I understand your frustration with Homebrew and believe me, you're not alone. They've been turning off lots of people lately and it's really a shame. They actually banned me from their repositories due to a comment I made on an issue. They are becoming increasingly irrational. They even removed build options in all core formulas in Homebrew 2.0. On both the technical and diplomatic fronts, they are making blunder after blunder and it's turning people away from Hombrew, more than they'd like to admit.

Anyway, my personal frustrations with Homebrew aside, yes I do think MacPorts does better in a number of regards which you mention. First of all, the symlinks issue does not exist in MacPorts. It tracks which files are installed by which port at installation time, and thus does not need to box everything into its own folder (as Homebrew does).

The quote you reference from the installation page is accurate. All in all, I think MacPorts would be much better for your program, which essentially aims to replace system utilities or at least overshadow them. This would be a BIG no-no for Homebrew's maintainers, and they would not care to support such a use case at all, whereas MacPorts has a far more agnostic philosophy. The only disadvantages which I can ascribe to MacPorts as opposed to Homebrew (after using it for about a year) is that it can be somewhat more difficult to use sometimes (although the documentation is superb and extensive) and that, obviously, Homebrew is more popular than MacPorts which means that Homebrew has an advantage in manpower. But Homebrew seems to be losing ground on this point because they are being more and more rude and despotic.

If you would like me to specify further on any particular points, please ask away.

pkill37 commented 4 years ago

Manually maintaining the environment variable exports for every program requires a lot of work and isn't very future-proof

If switching to MacPorts means this can be done more generally with just a few exports, I'm all in. My main issue with the switch was that brew is much more popular (thus more practical in some sense), but I guess it's reasonable that MacPorts is assumed for this script and users can still use brew for their own purposes.

@ylluminarious What do you think?

ylluminarious commented 3 years ago

@fabiomaia Apologies for the year-late reply. I believe you'd have significantly less environment variable exports using Macports than what you have in that file. My own .zshenv contains exports only for the following:

export PATH="/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig"
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/local/lib/postgresql11/bin"
export MANPATH="/opt/local/share/man"
export SSL_CERT_FILE=/opt/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem

Generally, though, most everything tends to live under /opt/local/bin and sbin.

pkill37 commented 3 years ago

@ylluminarious Thanks for the input! I'm strongly considering rewriting the script to install packages from MacPorts.

What's this SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable though?

ylluminarious commented 3 years ago

@fabiomaia For me, that is required for certain things in Ruby to work properly, like gems and some other things (including wget sometimes). That just sets it to the location where I install it with this package. You can just ignore it if you wish.

testfailed commented 4 months ago

I think nix is fairly fundamental option and well conformed with this project's ultimate goal. It builds literally everything for a variety of architectures and it has the largest community for it. People using nix are in need of projects like linuxify and are happily willing to contribute for it as well.