Closed Don-Isdale closed 1 week ago
Reported issue (MS Teams, 2024Nov01 16:44) : "re. selected SNPs for genotype sample ordering : can it not be solid green, but rather transparent? at the moment it obscures the allele ... can it just be an outline ?" In chrome the selected SNP highlight is showing as a solid green block; in Firefox it shows a wider border at the top and bottom, allowing the allele (genotype value) of the cell to show through.
Firefox :
Change made :
When the user logs out from Pretzel, the URL changes to .../undefined, and the 404 error page is displayed.
61cd931c improve sampleFiltersCopy : check if a feature is in this block; allow time for brushed features to be loaded
(This item was moved here from above comment 2024Nov07)
All items are complete.
The implemented changes are released via PR #418 as v3.1.0.
Issues reported 2024Oct 23 - 25, after v3.0.0 release on Oct23
[x] showing handsontable license message : tables are displayed 8e467905 Don't show Genotype Table if handsOnTableLicenseKey is not defined e2af2e9f Don't show Feature Table if handsOnTableLicenseKey is not defined
[x] #415
[x] Feature Search with two different types of features, and click on the green plus symbols from the search, only the first feature shows up as an arrow. Example search names :
7ce4a588 Update Feature Search results triangles which span multiple blocks
Tested OK, 2024Nov14 :
Changes implemented :
8e75232f data_templates : copy new worksheet types from xltx to ots a021759e handle and report to GUI when error in upload VCF worksheet 4891a951 Add server trace of unhandled exception and promise rejection
Tested OK 2024Nov18 :