A tutorial R package for illustrating how to fit, evaluate, and report spectra-trait PLSR models. The package provides functions to enhance the base functionality of the R pls package, identify an optimal number of PLSR components, standardize model validation, and vignette examples that utilize datasets sourced from EcoSIS (ecosis.org)
When running the script via the RPubs version, nComps was not generated automatically (pressDFres not found in the t.test script). I had to manually set nComps <- 14 (guided by the annotation) to move to the next step.
When running the script from GitHub using RStudio, I could see the graphics provided in the Rmd file but running the code chunks didn't generate my own graphics in the graphics window of RStudio. I expected I would see the graphics there.
I tried both of these scripts from GitHub:
I also think the uninitiated user would benefit from a bit more description of what the code is doing, throughout.
Originally posted by Angie on the wrong git: https://github.com/serbinsh/SSerbin_etal_2019_NewPhytologist/issues/1
Reposted here
When running the script via the RPubs version, nComps was not generated automatically (pressDFres not found in the t.test script). I had to manually set nComps <- 14 (guided by the annotation) to move to the next step.
When running the script from GitHub using RStudio, I could see the graphics provided in the Rmd file but running the code chunks didn't generate my own graphics in the graphics window of RStudio. I expected I would see the graphics there.
I tried both of these scripts from GitHub: run_lma_plsr_example.Rmd run_lma_plsr_example_neon.Rmd
I also think the uninitiated user would benefit from a bit more description of what the code is doing, throughout.