plasticbox / grpc-windows

Build gRPC on Windows x64
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Launching server.exe and client.exe doesn't output anything on server.exe #10

Open Garu94 opened 5 years ago

Garu94 commented 5 years ago

To start with, thank you for you work! It made a lot easier to install everything needed for grpc. Unfortunately, though, even if I was able to compile everything with success, when I try to launch server.exe and then client.exe, the former doesn't output anything. I also tried to change the host in the server from "" to "localhost:50051" as in the client one, but still it's not working.

debugx commented 5 years ago

You can add to server method something like:

std::time_t t = std::time(0);
std::tm* now = std::localtime(&t);
cout << "[" << now->tm_hour << ":" << now->tm_min << ":" << now->tm_sec << "] Got message from user: " << request->name() << endl;